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"Sid... Are you okay?" Anth knocks on my door. It's Monday morning. Daniel left yesterday because of some family problems.

I've been thinking that Jonah has knew me this whole time and god knows what he's been known about me.

"Did you and Daniel fall out?" He opens my door.

"No. I'll be down soon" I smile and sit up. He hesitantly looks behind him and closes the door, walking over to my bed.

"Wanna tell me what's wrong?" He asks.

"I'm fine..." I get out of bed. "You sure?" He stands up.

"Yeah... Close my door when you go out" I get my uniform and go straight to my bathroom.

He must've knew my parents passed. He must've knew about my dyslexia. What else does he know about me that i didn't say?

I shower for a long time until i find it's actually time to get out and get ready for school.

My pants ripped. The whole leg ripped.

I couldn't be bothered searching through my closet for my other pants so i put my skirt on and cover the scar on my leg with some concealer.

Soccer tryouts are today. Boys and girls team.

I'm gonna try and get into atleast one team, schools around here aren't strict, in the fact they will let girls and boys be in a team together. But whatever gender is more then they will call it that team.

I want to get into the boy team because the girls team hasn't ever been very good.

I finish off everything and then head downstairs. Sammy was shook when he seen me in the skirt. "What happened to your pants?" He asks.

"Ripped. I'm getting a lift with Corbyn" I take Anths toast of the side and bite into it.

"Can i tag along?" Sammy asks.

"Hurry" I get my bag sorted and run out. I keep forgetting there's cops outside.

"Who's taking you to school?" He asks, Looking at his way and writing down the time in his notepad.

"Corbyn. I'll see you at 5. Soccer tryouts after school" I nod and run up to Corbyn's car. Sammy running over afterwards.

"Is Daniel okay with me giving you a lift?" He asks.

"Yes..." I raise an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't be be?"

"No reason" Corbyn touches his nose and starts driving.

"Tell me" I narrow my eyes at him.

"Tell you what?" He looks at me but then back at the road.

"You know what. I know when you're lying you touch your nose and get all fidgety" I stare at him.

He just turns the radio on and sings over it. I ignore him and we get into school. I was just fixing up my locker and Sammy walks over "Do you remember Mr. Marais... Anth we all used to hang out together and maybe that's why he likes us so much" He nods his head.

"Don't remember him." I close my locker to Daniel walking up. "Hey" He looks done at my skirt.

"Hi" I hug him.

"It's weird... See you later" Sammy nods and walks off with the rest of tthe boys.

"What's weird?" Daniel asks.

I don't wanna think about Jonah today. I'm not prepared to try and search through the memories to se did i remember him.

"That i'm wearing a skirt" I sigh.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now