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———— official
We watched the final play. Daniel went to fight Jason again.

Jonah had to take him away. Then Daniel was about to hit Jonah but i stopped him.

Daniel isn't in the best mood today. He woke up a little irked.

We're sitting on the bus. With Jonah. Alone. While everyone else is meeting the actors backstage.

None of us have said a word to each other. We can all feel the awkwardness.

Daniel clears his throat and looks down at his phone "They're all heading back" He says sharply but not a word after that.

I can't tell whether he's mad at me or not.

I was curious though.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask, my voice low and steady.

"No... baby why would i be mad at you?" He grabs my hand.

"Are you sure?" I look into his sparkly blue eyes.

"Positive. You haven't did anything.. He has" He nods his head over to Jonah.

I laugh a little and turn to look at Jonah who death stared me.

"How was sitting in a bus" Sammy walks in. "Better then meeting some shitty actors" Daniel replies, Holding onto my hand tighter.

"Where's Jason" He asks again.

"You're not gonna dos nothing okay" I look into his eyes.

He looks away "I won't do anything" He looks out the window.

"Daniel" I won't let him get in trouble again.

"Sidney" He replies monotone.

"Promise you won't" I fold my arms across my chest.

"I'm not making a promise i can't keep baby" He cracks his knuckles.

"Daniel... stop, okay." I look back at Sammy who was finding this entertaining.

"Sidney the bastard deserves it" I just don't want no more fights on the trip. "When are the rest coming?" He looks at Sammy.

"Should be soon... Is this your guys first argument" He sits on the seat in front of us .

"Shut up Sammy" I pull his hair.

"Agh that hurt" He pushes my hand away.

"Twin love" Daniel laughs. Is he forgetting we're in the middle of an argument.

"I don't think she's your friend right now, Buddy" Sammy laughs.

"Babe are you mad at me...?" Daniel pokes my arm. I ignore him. 

"Wow" He laughs and looks out the window. Then he immediately stands up tall. His stance protective.

"Seavey sit down" Jonah walks over.

"Daniel, Sit" I stand up, I know for a fact he wouldn't hurt me. So standing between the two seats is a good idea for having him not cause another scene.

Jason walks onto the bus and makes eye contact with Daniel. He sits right at the front of the bus, beside the driver and Mr. C gets on after him.

"Daniel take a seat" Jonah points down to the seat.

He gives Jonah the finger and sits down. I sit down with him and i could tell he was gonna be ready any minute to get up and throw Jason off the bus. Mrs. Yvonne walked on with the rest of the pupils and they all took their seat.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now