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—————i like u

Jonah's POV

"So, Everyone knows she's in hospital, Because of what happened at school and after school. Now don't go around spreading rumors okay, Just everyone keep your mouth shut for when she returns to school. In the meantime, Everyone write your name in the card" I pass the get well soon card to the first desk.

Sidney fell down the hospital stairs, She's been in there for 2 days.

"And who's gonna give her the card... No ones allowed in her hospital room" Corbyn says, With a sigh.

"Sammy Carter will give her the card" I raise an eyebrow. I would do this for any student that has went through what she has went through.

She's special.

"Why don't we write Jason a Welcome back to school card" One of the guys laugh, Passing the card onto Zach. "He deserves on"

"Very mature of you, Cole, But Jason doesn't deserve a card for carrying a blade around school, or harming another student" I say sarcastically.

"How's this going to get to Sammy...? He's been M.I.A ever since everything" Ashley says, Snatching the card off Zach.

"Well... Would one of you like to give it to her aunt...?" I point to her close friend circle.

"I will..." Corbyn signs the card and puts it in his bag. I nod and get on with class.

Kissing her was a mistake but i enjoyed it and i reckon she did too. It made me feel good but it's so wrong. I'm her teacher and it should probably stay that way, Although i don't feel like i can.

A phone pings and i thought it was mine but Zach took his phone out of his pocket.

"Zach off your phone" I look down. He completely ignores me. "What's my biggest rule in this class...?" I fold my arms, Unimpressed.

"No phones in class" Zach shoves his phone back into his pocket.

"Exactly" I hold my hand out "You can get it back at the end of the day"

He rolls his eyes and stands up and hands me his phone. "I'll have it, Next time i will give it to Mr. Caylen"

He nods and walks away back to his seat.

The bell rings and it was my free period, I was worrying about Sidney and she was all that was on my mind.

Then i got an idea. I got Zach's phone and unlock it, He doesn't even has a password on his phone, That's pretty convenient. I search on his contacts sidney and the picture of her on his contacts was the cutest.

He was kissing her cheek and her nose was scrunched. I copy her number into my phone and set Zach's phone back in my top drawer.

End of POV

"Hey, you" Sammy walks into the hospital room. I have to be tube fed... Do you know how uncomfortable that is.

"Hey" I smile, Pushing myself up. Anthony is released from prison today, He was talking to his lawyer about how much he wanted to see me and he's getting released today.

"Corbyn gave me this to give to you, It's from our English class" He hands me a card. Jonah's handwriting on the front.

I open it and it was a cute get well soon card. "Your art class and Photography class gave you one too" He hands me two more cards. I open them both and one was directly from Jonah.

I smile while reading the message: Get well soon sid x

"So Anthony is going to drop his stuff off and then come directly here" He sits. He look around me "Why'd you have to be so clumsy and fall down 2 flights off stairs"

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now