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———— yours.
"Sid I don't care anymore, we're going to the police about this. I'm 100% sure that there is cameras in the corner of the science room. Even if we don't go about you but go about Rebekah" He folds his arms across his body.

"Daniel i don't know what to do. I'm scared. Can we even go to the police about it? Oh, Mr. Marais is creepily starung at me, making instagram accounts, That we have no evidence are actually his, commenting on my posts, We kissed... Which we also have no evidence on. Daniel they're just gonna send us back here" I don't mean to be mad at Daniel but i definitely mad rn, and i'm taking that out on Daniel.

"The science room have cameras Sidney. I swear. He can get busted for making out with Rebekah and then trying to seduce you" He grabs my hands.

"We'll go and check then..." I lift my arms around his neck and hug him. He hugs me back and we walk to the science room.

"Where are you two going..." Mr. C shouts down the corridor. Ffs.

"To make out sir" Daniel carries on walking.

"Mr. Seavey and Miss. Carter. They're about to announce the awards. Head to the auditorium now" He demands.

"Come on we can check after" I just peer into the science room. Up in the corner there is nothing there.

Daniel sighs and we enter through a small door to the auditorium.

"The moment you've all been waiting for... Homecoming Queen is... Sidney Carter" Mr. Marais says into the microphone. Our eyes meet and everyone attention turns towards me.

I look at Daniel helplessly for what to do.

"Go up, I'll watch you from the stage" He kisses my cheek. He walks me to the stage and stands there. Staring down Jonah the whole time he was giving me out my crown, sash and a bouquet of flowers.

"Looking good" He whispers. I ignore him and stand towards the back of the stage. Keeping my attention on Daniel.

"Homecoming King is... Corbyn Besson" He claps his hand.

Corbyn takes everything off Jonah and comes and stands beside me. "The amount of boys coming up and saying stuff to Sammy about what they want to do to you... Hes been in about 15 fights already." He says, putting the crown on.

"Where is he now?" I finally take my attention of Daniel and put it on Corbyn.

"With Mr. C. Boys are disgusting... and don't get a drink unless it's from you or Daniel. And stay with Daniel the whole night" He warns me.

I nod and Jonah hands me the microphone "Say what you wanna" Jonah winks. Corbyn gave him the dirtiest look ever.

"Yeah thanks to my boyfriend Daniel who bought like 50 votes just to vote for me" I laugh and point to Daniel. The crowd laughed along too.

Corbyn takes the microphone "Yeah bye" He shoves the mic into Jonah and heads down. Daniel came on the stage to help me walk down the steps and takes the flowers of me.

"I got Ryan to check for me and he says the camera was covered by a curtain" His jaw clenched. "Ready to head home?"

"I wanna dance with you" I set the crown and sash to the side.

"It's only slow music now" He raises an eyebrow .

"Dance with me" I lead him onto the dance floor.

I place my hands around his neck and his hands on my hips. "Have i ever said i'm really thankful for you?" I ask. Resting my lip between my teeth.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now