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—————— fight

"Anthony's coming home tomorrow" Sammy burst into my room.

"That's awesome, knock next time" I throw my pillow at him. I wasn't doing anything, but staring at one spot on my floor. Thinking about my teacher...

"Who's on your mind" He asks, Throwing the pillow about.

"No one... Just about like... life" I pull my covers off and sit up, feet dangling over the bed.

"you'll get through it, Come on" He lifts me up. I stand up and give him a death stare. "Okay i will leave, Were walking today" He walks out of the room. Closing the door.

I start getting ready apply some light foundation onto my face too, It's my time of the month soon and my skins breaking out.

I walk downstairs and Alexis was on the phone to someone. She points to money on the table and i lift it up and make myself toast before waiting on Sammy.

He walks down the stairs and we leave, Not really saying anything to each other. "How'd you find out Anth was coming back?" I ask, Just to make conversation and decrease the silence.

"Oh, He told Kian and Kian told me. He's getting released tomorrow but i think he's gonna stay at Kians until he gets custody off us and Alexis leaves" He rolls his eyes. We love Alexis, We do. But she's strict, Annoying and invades our privacy a little too much. She does always talk shit about Anthony though so i don't blame him for not wanting to be in the same house as her.

"When should we take him to visit the grave?" Mom and Dad are buried together. I visit as much as i can but it's getting difficult now that i have a job and school.

"He'll go on his own, Hw wouldn't want us to be there" Sammy puts his arm around my shoulder. We meet Corbyn at the Coffee shop and we all walk in together.

"Sidney" Jason jogs up to us.

"Okay man this is getting out of hand, Leave her alone she clearly doesn't want to be next to you" Sammy puts his hand on Jason's chest, Pushing him back slowly.

"Sid, Come on. Let's talk" He side eyes Sammy. "Please" He puts his arm out to probably touch me. I take a step back.

"See that's your answer, Fuck off" Sammy stands in front of me, Corbyn standing beside me.

"Bro let me talk to her. I need to apologize" Jason's voice starts to raise, drawing attention to us.

"Damn right you do" Corbyn frowns, Standing with Sammy.

"Alone. Without you two" He looks over Sammy at me.

"No" I shake my head.

"Sidney i'm not giving you a choice. We need to get along. Please" He steps forward and then out of nowhere Daniel gets involved by punching Jason.

"Daniel" I gasp, Pulling him towards me.

"Me and you need to have words. Now" His nostrils flare, Jaw clenching.

"Sidney." Jason contains himself from hitting Daniel. His jaw clenched and fist tight.

"Jason just fucking leave" Corbyn says, That's what we all want. I'm curious about what Daniel wants to say though.

"Mr. Johnson. What have i told you about harassing Ms. Carter" Mr. Marais walks through the corridor. Damn he looks good today.

He's wearing grey trousers and a white shirt, He usually wears blue shirts but i like that.

"Talking to her isn't harassing her" Jason narrows his eyes at Jonah.

"Okay but i've been talking to the headmaster for 2 minutes and in this 2 minutes. Every single person in this group has told you to leave, So do it" He looks at me. Smiling softly.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now