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———— la

"Sidney but if you did move though, it would only be long distance. And i would visit you as much as i could, you're always welcome t visit me" He argues. No.

He's trying to convince me to go with Anthony to LA. I don't wanna do long distance.

"Jonah if i move then it's over between us. I'm not doing long distance" I cross my arms over my chest.

"But that doesn't have to be it, Sidney. We can call, Facetime... I'll come visit you. We can make this work" He grabs my hands. We're back home and in his house.

"Go away" I pull my hands away, I can't believe he's even suggesting this.

"Sidney if you think about it. If we stay here together... We're gonna get caught" He makes a valid point but no.

"And if i'm not with you then i can't even touch you, Jonah. I can't see you when i want to. The time difference, everything. I won't know if your slumming around with other girls and i won't know how long i have to wait to see you." I felt a tear slip from my eye. He cannot do this to me.

"Sidney i'm not one to cheat" He puts his hand on his heart. "I promise i will stay faithful. I've finally got you so why would i cheat on you?"

"Why would you suggest for me to move a thousand miles away?" i frown. If he really is suggesting this than me and him are over. I have never and will never do long distance.

End off.

"Baby listen. Let me finish this school year, you go to college in LA. After this school year, i'll move to LA with you." He grabs my hands tighter, not giving me a chance to move or pull them away.

"But i won't even get to hold you" I break.

"Think about how good our cuddle sessions would be when we finally do see each other" He smiles softly.

I can't believe i'm actually considering this. There's something about this that is urging me to learn how to be more independent with myself and i like that idea.

"Well go to your home and get packing okay" He stands up.


Jonah POV

The real reason why i'm letting Sidney go on without me is just so i don't hurt her.

Daniel and Daniels brother called the police.

It doesn't matter if she's 18. She's still a student at the high school i work at, which means it's against the law.

She'll be moving to LA so she won't be in Minnesota to suffer all the bullying that will be done about her. Or the sad truth that from the start me and her were never meant to be, no matter how right it felt.

Were on the way to airport now. she won't let go off my hand. I'm gonna hate to see her leave.

It's for the best though.

"Call me as soon as you land okay" I run my thumb across her knuckle.

"It'll be midnight for you" She sniffs.

"I'll be up waiting for you, love" I park up, Anthony and Sammy are already here, waiting.

"Promise you won't do anything" She holds her pinky out.

"I promise" I hook it with mine. I'm going to be in a jail cell. I literally can't do anything with anyone else.

She sighs and places her lips on mine one last time, before turning and opening the door.

"Wait, Sidney" I grab onto her hand.

"I love you" I smile with a tear rolling down my cheek.

"I love you too" She wipes her nose. Letting go off my hand and getting her stuff out the trunk.

We decided to not see each other when the plane leaves because i won't be able to take it.

Once she's landed, Anthony knows to tell her.

She won't be able to get a flight back either because he's taking the passport off her.

I watch her slowly walk into the building and then drive home to where there was a couple of cops outside my house.

"Jonah Marais?" One comes over and questions me.

"That would be me" I throw my hands up in surrender, him cuffing me afterwards.


Sidneys POV

I finally landed in LA. It was 10pm and i doubted this so much this but once i landed i felt okay.

I called Jonah once we got to the new house. It rang but didn't pick up. But my instinct was not to worry because it's midnight for them. He's probably asleep.

"He's probably sleeping" I set my phone down and sit on the couch next to Anthony.

"Sidney... We need to tell you something" Sammy walks down the stairs and sits opposite us.

I sit up straight and they both hesitantly look at each other.

"Jonah was arrested at 7pm" Anthony spits out.


"Anthony don't lie to me" I chuckle. He can't be arrested.

"Sidney i'm not lying. He's going on trial for an illegal relationship with a minor. Christian Seavey called it in" He says

He's in prison because off me. Now i'm in LA and can't do anything about it.

"Sidney are you okay?" Sammy grabs my hand. Weirdly, i didn't feel bad about this. I felt okay.

"Yeah, When's his trial" I look up at Anth.

"4 weeks." He clears his throat.

"I'm not allowed to go, am i?" I crack my knuckles.

"Unfortunately not. I know you're gonna hurt over this but he wanted me to make sure you know that he loved you, and he doesn't want you to wait on him to get out of prison because it could be a long time... so he wants you to go out and find other people. And he wants you to go to college for photography because you'll be amazing at it and he definitely knows that you'll pass." He hands me a polaroid picture of Jonah and I from Hawaii.

"Can i call him?" I ask, running my finger over the photo.

"Well, any contact with you and it will just further increase his sentence time. But i'll be able to call him so you can listen in if you want" Anthony hugs me.

I nod and hug him back while sobbing into his chest.

It was never meant to be with us? was it?

the end

Okay so basically from the start of the book it was like clear that i was gonna make Jonah get arrested

that was the thing the whole time

anywho it's sort of like a danielxjonah book but anywho

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now