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————it's just a number
Daniel and I were standing around for a while but he needed to use the restroom so he left me with Jenny and Ryan.

it's been 15 minutes and Daniel still isn't back yet.

"I'll be back in a minute" I shout to Ryan and head out of the auditorium and towards the boys restroom.

Jason walks out of the bathroom and i quickly walk into one of the science rooms. Bending down so he wouldn't see me.

He was looking around the hall and inside the classrooms so i was hoping he didn't look in and see me, because then i would be screwed.

He looks inside the science room i was in and looks up at the ceiling. Getting something out his pocket.

In this time i quickly run to the other side of the room and his under the teachers desk. No way he would've seen me. 

He walks in, trips over his feet but redeems himself and opens a window.

He sits on the counter and lights a cigarette. Smoking it out the window.

I check my phone and Daniel hasn't texted me yet. I'm kinda worried about him.

"Jason out of here" I hear a deep voice shout. "Put the cigarette out and go to Mr. Caylens office immediately" I peer over the side and Jonah was standing there. 

"That's a way to be a party pooper sir" Jason throws the cigarette out the window and trembles over to Jonah. 

Jonah closes the door and walks over to the inside window, closing the curtains.

"I'm in the second science room" He says to someone on the phone.

I go back under the desk and open my phone.

Daniel still hasn't texted me or opened my message.

"Hey sir" I hear a familiar annoying bitch voice.

"Do you have them?" He asks. I wanted to look to see what Rebekah was giving him but i was too scared to.

"One in a drink can knock you out for hours" She says. Is he looking to spike someone's drink.

"Thank you" He says, and then seconds later. I hear a kiss.

I'm not jealous. I have Daniel.  Okay maybe i'm a little jealous.

I hear a big bang and look to my side quickly. He had her against the counter beside the teachers desk.

His hands were all around her body, it made me uncomfortable but at the same time, that could've be been me.

His eyes open and meet with mine. He immediately walks away from Rebekah.

"Sir we were just getting started" She tries unbuttoning his shirt.

"Out Rebekah, you've won hoco queen and they're doing that soon" He places a kiss on her lips before she leaves. Ew.

He waits until she's gone "What are you doing?" He buttons his shirt back up and fixes his suit.

"Hiding from Jason and you" I get out from under the desk and walk the other side of the desk.

"You don't need to hide from me Sid" He run his hand through his hair.

"Yeah well the creepy stares, weird comments and looks towards Daniel make me think differently" I slowly walk around the desk.

"Daniel and you won't last. Let me just tell you here now that if you were with me. I would give you the world" He takes a step closer.

"Daniel already gives me the world and i love him for that" I take a step closer to the door. Even though i'm far away from it.

"You can't love someone a week of fucking them" He rolls his eyes.

"We haven't fucked and i've knows him since the third grade so yes, yes i can" I kinda wish i didn't wear a dress that showed off my boobs because i can see him glancing down.

"Lets just say i wouldn't make you wait then" He takes a step closer, biting his lip.

"Your my teacher. it's weird as fuck" i remain eye contact with him.

"It's Just A Number Sidney" his jaw clenched.

"A number that could get you and i in a lot of trouble. Daniel knows about everything by the way. So don't even try anything because i will go to the police" I side step to the door.

"Sid stop trying to leave. I just wanna give you what Daniel can't" He takes another step closer.

"Daniel gives me everything i want. You on the other hand just creep me out" I stick up for myself wow.

"You weren't saying that when we made out, What changed your mind" He raises both his eyebrows.

"You know full rightly what did. We wouldn't have ever worked anyways, Jonah. So just move on with your life, Rebekah seems to be into you" I walk to the door but he grabs my hand.

"it's locked" He shows me the keys. 

"Fucking open it" My breathing gets heavy.

"Well you wouldn't have a boyfriend if you gave me a chance" he sniggers.

"Maybe we would've had a chance if you weren't such a fucking creep. Always nagging me and staring at me. You know how to make a girl uncomfortable" I walk past him, nudging his shoulder. Opening the science curtains and ripping the strings attached so he can't close them again.

"That wasn't a smart idea, What if Daniel walks over and sees us making out" He stands inches away from me. Placing his hand on my hip.

"Then i hope he fucking beats your ass" I push him away and run towards the door. I check the door handle and it was locked. But i know that there's always a spare key behind the files.

"Sidney i don't think you know what i'm capable of doing if you give me a chance" He traps me between the door and himself.

"Full marks, Hell, i could even get you into the college you wanted." He shuffled closer to me. I could feel his hot breath on my face he was standing that close to me.

"I don't want full marks, Jonah you're scaring me." I try and keep calm.

"I wouldn't hit you baby, i'm not Jason" He rubs his fingers up my body.

"Why are you so obsessed with me" I push him away with force. He tumbled over a table and i quickly reach over and grab the spare keys with force.

"Because Sidney you're broken and i want to fix you" He picks himself up.

"I don't wanna be fixed" I turn my back on him and unlock the door. Running back into the auditorium.

Thank god i ran straight into Daniel.

"Baby i've been looking for you for ages" He covered me in a hug. "Where have you been"

I grab his hand and lead him out of the auditorium and straight outside where there was a little quiet.

"Jonah locked me in the science room" I wipe my eyes.



It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now