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———— daffodil
"You two get up" Anthony knocks on my door. We've been up for ages just cuddling.

"It's so cold" I clear my throat.

"A week till Christmas" Daniel pulls the covers off us both. The cold air hitting my skin.

"It's literally freezing" I grab my robe.

"Go shower, I'll make us breakfast" He places a kiss on my lips.

I pick an outfit out and then head straight to my shower.

Sammy's been training with Jonah. Anthony secretly doesn't mind Jonah. It was only a kiss and i wasn't even in a relationship with Daniel when it happened. Sammy's really thankful for Jonah but at the same time hates him so much.

I don't really care. I'm happy with Daniel and i guess that's all that matters.

I shower quickly and then get changed and blow dry my hair.

Downstairs, Daniel and Anthony were cooking breakfast and Sammy had just got back from training.

"You're not gonna be training on Christmas day are you?" I giggle a little. Daniel and Anthony both turn to look at me.

"Hope not, How are you doing" He leaves his shoes at the door. They have snow on them.

"Fine, Alexis is coming over later on" I sit on the couch.

Sammy shakes his head and jogs up the stairs and into his room.

"Here baby" Daniel brings over a full plate off food.

"Now i don't know how big you think my appetite is but you're certainly wrong" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"It's for me and you, Orange juice or coffee?" He opens up the fridge door, looking in it.

"Orange juice... Has anyone changed the flowers on mom and dads grave?" I ask, It's Anthony job but he's been busy. 

"No" He turns around "i forgot"

"I'll do it" I take a bite from the traditional english breakfast sitting in front of me. Anths specialty.

Daniel walks over with two glasses of orange juice and picks up a full sausage. Biting into it.

"You can use a fork you know" I lift mine up.

She scrunches his nose up and we finish this together, Well i eat some and he finishes it.

"I'm gonna go get flowers from Veronicas... Can i go alone?" I grab my jacket and slide my shoes on.

"Take Daniel or Sammy with you" Anthony finishes tidying up the kitchen.

"I'll come" Sammy looks up from his phone at the top of the stairs.

"I'll be in the car" I grab my car keys and leave through the garage.

Jonahs POV

I'm on my way to get my mom flowers. I just finished training with Sammy. We don't talk about the situation with Sidney. We just pretend it didn't happen.

He's really good at football, good enough for florida state but he's holding this grudge against me which is effecting his sporting opportunity.

"Hey, Can i have a bouquet of daffodils" I smile at the woman at the cash register when two familiar voices start talking as the bell rings, indicating someone's entered the shop.

"Hey V" Sidneys sweet voice fills up the empty shop.

"Sidney darling... Hello" The woman walks out from behind the desk and walks up the entrance.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now