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I'm at my new job, The interview went well and they got back to me later on that evening telling me my times and everything.

Every weekday 6-8. I just finished there now and i'm walking home. My schedule is so tight with everything, $515 a week.

"Hey" A car rolls up beside me. I really need to pass my test. Like right now.

I look and see Zach in his car "Come on i'll drop you home" I go around to the passenger seat and get in his car.

My work uniform is black jeans with a black blouse and the logo and name tag on the left side.

"Thanks" I sigh. Bucking my belt.

"No worries, Whats the deal between you and Mr. Marais" He asks.

Me and Mr. Marais have this weird thing going on. He's extremely nice to me compared to everyone else. Everyone notices it but he doesn't speak upon it.

"He's a teacher that's actually understanding" I say honestly, Really there is nothing going on between us personally, It's just that he understands me so he's nice to me and i like that.

"Sid i'm not that stupid, come on. I've been in school 1 day this week and i can already tell y'all have a little thing going on. Just a reminder that it is illegal and you both would be in trouble" He raises his eyebrows in disappointment.

"Woah, Hold on there Zach... He literally helps me with my dyslexia and is understanding that i won't be up to my full ability in everything, because of everything that's going on. Ew" I mean, He's definitely attractive but he's probably like 30. Plus he has a ring so i'm betting he's married, He's just understanding.

And if the rest of the girls in the school didn't flirt with him he'd act the same way around them, Or if the boys weren't disrespectful towards him. He's a very nice guy.

"Maybe I'm not used to seeing you so.... Yourself" He smiles and pulls up into my driveway.

"Thanks for the ride, But i promise you. He's just helping me" I leave a 20 in his glovebox, getting out and heading inside.

"Guess what" Sammy jumps up from the couch when he see's me. His smile ear to ear.

"What" I set my bag down and grab some food from the kitchen, Leftovers like usual.

"Anthony won his court case and he's getting out before our birthday" He's joking. Oh my god.

"No way" I grab the phone book and get the number for inmates at the prison.

"100% being serious. No more Alexis" He shoots his hands in the air.

"I heard that" Alexis shouts from the study room. I laugh and calling hours were finished so i just stayed talking to Sammy.

Atleast i'll have my big brother to talk to now.


My alarm goes off for 6:30am and i start getting ready for school. My jeans were in the dry cleaners, my backup jeans were in the wash and i only had my skirt.

I haven't wore a skirt since i've gotten into the school. Like freshman year was the last time i wore a skirt.

I tried covering my scar up with makeup but failed miserably and just left it. It's a very noticeable scar and i know people will ask about it.

"Oh..." Sammy walks out of his bedroom which is opposite mine, Looking down at my skirt. "When did you get that"

"Last year skiing" I lie, He'll believe that and so will everyone else.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now