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"Sidney get up for school" Alexis shouts. I'm awake but i just can't be bothered to get up. I have sports today and i haven't ran since my parents died.

I used to do cheerleading, track and i was put on the soccer team but i don't think i'm ready to do any of them this year. Dad came to all my soccer matches since i was 13, i feel like i owe it to him to continue it but i don't have the physical or mental strength to do it.

"Sid" Alexis knocks on my door, opening it. "What's wrong?" She notices that i'm just staring at one spot on the floor.

She walks over and sits on the edge of my bed "I made you lunch today" She smiles.

I smile back and pull the blankets off me. She nods and leaves the bedroom and i quickly get changed into my uniform. Detention today too, Which means i can't even go to cheer practice.

And Rebekah is the captain of the cheer team so she's most likely going to put me on the back line.

I put concealer under my eyes and Sammy burst in through the door "Sammy, Knock" I take a step back from surprise.

"Sidney, No. Guess who got the job... Me i did" He says so proudly. I smile and he sits on my bed "So you know that driving instructor, Well he's giving us both free lessons" He sighs, "Everyone feels sorry for us"

"Well if someone else parents both died on the anniversary of their marriage, I'd feel sorry for them too" I chuckle a little.

"Have fun at detention while i'm at my new job" He stands up and takes something from my bedside table.

I clear my throat and look at him "Put it back" I smile. He looks disappointed and throws my phone charger back onto my bed.

"Corbyn's here" Alexis shouts up.

I put some lipgloss on and grab my bag, and get changed quickly then start Running down the glass stairs. "Here's your lunch and i'm gonna take you to see Anthony today" She gives me some money.

I smile. I need a good hug off my big bro.

Well, They're both my big brothers, Sammy and I were born 8 minutes apart. I'm the littlest, They both take advantage of that.

"Hey" Corbyn hugs me. "Hey baby" Sammy slides down the glass stairs and blows a kiss to Corbyn.

Alexis looked at him like 'wtf' and Corbyn just laughed, C'mon little ones" He opens the front door for us.

"Oh alexis, I got in detention... See you at around 4" I laugh and quickly fun to Corbyns car.

"So guess who started texting me yesterday" Corbyn starts driving to the coffee shop. Everyone parks their car there and then walk the very long 2 minutes into the school grounds.

"Who" I look down at my phone. Jason was still texting me.

"Freya" He shakes his head. "Like she wanted me to date her"

"Well she probably does, Have you considered it... She is pretty" I shove my phone into my pocket.

"No... She's a complete weirdo, Who mixes sprite and cola together... She does. Literally only her in the entire world" He shakes his head. We all laugh and Sammy starts singing a Christmas song, Corbyn joins in. They're both gifted in singing. I'm really not.

Corbyn pulls into the parking lot and we all step out and Ashley runs over to her "So i've gotten myself a boyfriend" She twirls, Which means i can't finish the list... be a babe and finish the list for me" She gives me puppy eyes and twirls around.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now