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———— jealous
Daniel was laying in the bed, with a fleece covered over him. It seemed to be as if he was sleeping.

I take my jacket off quietly, along with my shoes and go into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and tie my hair up into a low pony tail.

Jonah grabbed onto my waist hard while making out, but i didn't stop him. It's so completely wrong that i feel this way about him and that's gonna have to stop soon. He's my teacher and it's wrong.

I change into some joggers and shirt and head back out. I go over to the couch and sit on it, it squeaked loudly and i stand up immediately.

"You can sleep in that side of the bed, promise i won't touch you or anything, it's really uncomfortable on the couch and there's like a giant spider under one of the cushions" He says, his voice croaky from what i assume to be him just waking up.

"Thanks" I walk over and get beside him, leaving a good space between us both.

"Where were you, you were gonna for nearly an hour" He turns around, Turning the lamp on and squinting his eyes.

Jonah and I were making out for that long... damn i'm surprised it didn't escalate into anything more then just making out.

"For a walk to clear my head..." I lie down, my back facing Daniel.

"Sid you know that i'm here if you wanna talk" He says, clearing his throat a little.

"Thanks Daniel" I bring the covers up to my eyes.

I couldn't get the thought of Jonah holding me out of my head. It reminded me too much of Jason. The way he'd hold me and abuse me. It's not something i ever want to experience again.

And although i'm sure Jonah doesn't have a bad bone in his body, My PTSD and paranoia made me believe he'd do the same things Jason did to me.


Jonah's POV
I couldn't get no sleep last night because my mind was on Sidney. I was hoping to move things further than just making out but she didn't escalate.

The mrs. Yvonne called me up and we hooked up. It got my mind of Sid for a while but after she left, My head was straight back to Sid.

Mr. C and i were just counting heads. 4 missing.

Sidney was one of them 4.

So was Daniel.

I'm aware that Daniel and Sidney are close and i don't like it. Every chance i get, I'm gonna separate them. She should only be with me.

"Sidney and Sammy Carter. Daniel Seavey and... Liola Brien" He says to me. "134 and 176 are the only cards i don't have so just run up and check" He nods.

I do as i'm told. Sidney better be with Liola or Sammy or i am going to be very very disappointed...

I get to 134 and knock on the door. Daniel opens up, Shirtless. I hate this kid.

"We're leaving, Hurry up" I peer in the room, I couldn't see Sid anywhere.

"Okay boss" He closes the door i'm my face. I go to 176 and Sidney walks out, It looked as if she's been crying.

"We're leaving... are you okay?" I put my hand on her elbow which made her take a step back.

"Fine" She knocks back on the door. "Liola we're leaving" She shouts in and walks off.

Well she wasn't with Daniel so that good.

I follow her down and she sat towards the middle of the bus. Soon Sammy, Liola and Daniel start walking down the aisle of the bus.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now