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———— family

we finished decorating the tree, it was really pretty.

"You should decorate your room" Daniels arms find there way around my waist.

"We can do that tomorrow" I turn my head to the side and kiss his jaw.

I've been feeling like myself for the past couple days. Everyone finds it weird because i'm usually toned down but i'm starting to love myself more.

"My family are spending Christmas in Portland with more of my extended family but i don't wanna go... Can i stay with you?" He asks.

"Wouldn't have it any other way" I press my lips on his and kiss him.

"Ew stop" Sammy throws a cushion at us. I laugh and throw it back at him.

I don't care that the Frantzichs are staying with us. I'm happy with Daniel and Jonah doesn't mean anything to me no more. He's just my brothers friend and gym coach. That's all.

"I like seeing you happy" Daniel sits on the couch and brings me down on his lap.

"Consider yourself a massive part of that happiness" I lift his hand up and play with his rings.

"Are you two married?" Svea asks, Giving me a cookie. She's adorable.

"No" I laugh.

"Come on Svea" Jonah lifts her up. "We're all heading out to go Christmas shopping, You guys coming?" He asks.

"Yeah-" Daniel says but i cut him of

"No..." I smile.

"Babe?" Daniel asks.

"Well, We'll join up with you in the mall soon" I rest back into Daniel.

"Okay, See you guys soon" He smiles and walks off, with Svea on his back.

"Why'd you do that" Daniel asks.

"I'll let you finish" I wink.

"Really what has gotten into you" He wipes an eyelash from my cheek.

"I'm happy... I love Christmas. I love you..." I peck his cheek "Why wouldn't i be this happy... Or do you want me to go back to me sad state"

"No carry on being happy baby, i love it" He kisses my neck.

"We're heading out, text us when you leave" Anth shouts. I nod and wait until they leave

"Wanna do it or... take really artsy instagram pictures?" I cup his cheek.

"I wanted to take you Christmas shopping" He smiles softly.

"Well, we can go after we take pictures. My feed is dying" I get up and pick my camera front he shelf.

"Or we could not" He smirks.

Jonahs POV

I forgot my wallet so i was driving back to the carters. honestly, i really like seeing Sidney that happy. It suits her a lot. 

Last Christmas came on and i caught myself singing the lyrics.

That is a really good song.

I park up and nod at the cop sitting in her car, I don't blame her. It's freezing out.

I grab the keys Anth gave me and unlock the door. I walk in and Sidney was on top of Daniel. They were making out and his hands were all over her body.

"My god... Sorry" I slam the door shut and turn around.

"Jonah" She says, her voice full of embarrassment.

"Sorry i forgot my wallet, I should've knocked" I clear my throat and turn to face them. Daniel seemed pissed. He was really into it.

"No you're okay" She looks down at Daniels crotch and smirks.

"Anthony wants to know when you're coming down" I run my hand through my hair and walk over to the open fire.

"Uhhh... We won't be" She kind of questions her answer.

"Bummer, He wants to go through the stores with you" That's bullshit. I'm just jealous.

"They'll go when they want to, Goodbye Jonah" Daniel rests his head back.

"I'll lock the door" I grab my wallet and head out. I lock the door and get in my car. Punching the steering wheel.

"There a problem?" The cop walks over to my car. She was quite pretty.

"Not at all" I smile at her. She nods and walks back to her car.

I drive off in my tesla and back. to the mall, Just to find out, everyone headed home because it was closed.

I just stay in the parking lot for a while. Then realised Sidney and Daniel are gonna get caught.

I tried calling her but it just went straight to voicemail every tine.

End Of POV

Daniel and I took it to our room i case Jonah happened to be back. We were just cuddling in bed now. "I wanna get a tattoo" I draw circles on his shirtless chest.

"They're pretty permanent" He pulls me up a little.

"A love heart on my finger like mom had" I put my head on his shoulder.

"Sounds nice, Wanna go to the mall now?" He asks.

I grab my phone off the side just see Jonah called me 5 times.

I call him back and he answers straightaway "Everyone should be home, the malls closed" He says before hanging up. I put my phone down and look at Daniel.

He was equally confused as i was but just ignored it.

Someone knocks our door and Sammy walks in again. "Don't tell me you were... Oh my god" He shakes his head.

"We weren't" I laugh. Yes we were.

"Sure. That hickey on your neck is telling me different" He points. I shake my head and He sits on the edge of my bed.

"What" Daniel looks confused.

"I'm just imaging how your babies would look if you had them" He narrows his eyes and looks closer at Daniels face.

"Really Sam" I sigh looking away.

"Shit. Goodbye." He hows and walks out the room.

"So... Wanna tell me every time someone brings the topic of children up, you have no interest" Daniel asks, twirling my hair.

"It's stupid and you wouldn't understand" I smile, weakly.

"Try me" He giggles a little.

"I'm gonna struggle to get pregnant until i have my first child, then every child after that... there will be two" That sounds so stupid when i say it out loud.

"What?" He raises an eyebrow.

"See" I prove my point.

"Baby, you could be different" He pokes my shoulder.

"It's happened in my family for generations. Mom had 4 twin miscarriages until Sammy and I" I look down. "And my dream is to have a big family so you see where it goes wrong there"

"I understand, But don't let it eat at you. There's clinics and other option to help..." He leases my forehead.

"I'm not looking to start a family yet anyways" I shrug my shoulder.

"Not even with me" He pouts.

"If it happened, Hallelujah. But not until i'm 23" I get out of bed.

"Glad to know you have the planned out" He winks and mirrors me



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