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"Okay class... I don't have seating a plan but if y'all are gonna act up, then we're pulling over so i can make a quick seating plan" Mr. Caylen shouts over the whole senior year going on the english trip.

"We will be pulling over in a motel, yes it's already booked. Daniel Seavey, put that cigarette away" He points over to Daniel who quickly shoved the rest of the pack up his sleeve.

Daniel spits it out on the floor and rolls his eyes.

"I'll give you the motel keys once we get there... 2 per room okay, no more then 2 a room. And you're all old enough to know that girls and boys don't pair up over night okay. I don't want none of you pregnant" He laughs a little.

"Sir can we just get on?" Daniel rolls his eyes, once again.

"Okay... i'll be in the front of the bus, Mr. Marais in the back and Mrs. Yvonne in the middle" He steps out of the way as people start walking into the bus.

Mrs. Yvonne is the sub hired for this trip in particular because no other female teachers wanted to come. She's married but we've all seen her give Jonah the eye.

Daniel grabs my hand and leads me to the back off the bus where all the seats were taken.

"Move" He looks to two boys.

"Daniel" I gasp. "It's fine we can just sit in the front"

"I'm not sitting in the front" He looks me dead in the eye. "Get up and go somewhere else" He is very intimidating, and then the two boys end up moving.

Mr. Caylen just walked up and down the aisle, counting heads. "Sammy Carter... Where the hell is Sammy Carter and Allie Rose" He shouts disappointed.

"Here sir" Sammy runs into the bus with a girl and a giant hickey on her neck.

"Sammy your beside me, in the front. Allie your beside Mrs. Yvonne... That's what you get for being late" He walks back down.

"Ew he's gross" I turn to look at Daniel who was putting a juul in his sleeve.

"You're kidding right?" I say disappointed. He shrugs his shoulders and smiles innocently.

Jonah comes down and sits on the seat behind us. Mr. C deff told him to do that because he knows how Daniel is.

"Sir there's like a full row over there" Daniel points to two seats on the other side of the aisle.

"I like it here though, Daniel. Can keep an eye on you" He jokes, Laughing fakely. Daniel just rolled his eyes, again. And turns to the front.

Soon enough the bus starts moving and Daniel opens the bag of snacks he bought.

"Wanna mountain dew?" He asks, showing me the bag.

"Got water thank you... Did you bring a phone charger...? i forgot" Of course i would be the dumb bitch to forget a phone charger. 

"Yes i bought 2, because Zach told me too but you can have the other one... They're in my case." He opens a can of mountain dew and starts drinking it.

I look out the window and see we just left Stillwater.

"Sir i don't feel so good" One of the girls say, to Jonah.

Jonah gets up and walk down to aisle to her "Whats up" He sighs, His voice full of boredom.

"I think i started my period" She says, rubbing her lips together. Which made Jonah go bright red.

"Okay well... Mrs Yvonne is up there. Be more responsible next time" He sits back down. Well someone definitely isn't in the happiest mood today.

"So Anna said she can't wait to see you again" Daniel turns to look at me.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now