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————— do you want to be my boyfriend

"So you're telling me... you guys fucked" Ashley says while i'm doing my makeup.

"No... all i'm saying is we slept together, don't actually know if we had sex" Honestly i don't remember much from that night.

"But Anth and Sammy and Daniel were looking for you the whole night after you didn't come back, and you've been at my house for the past week now... they're worried" She looks down at her watch "And Sammy is coming soon"

"I was at your house the whole time okay. Jonah will go with that story too" I get up quickly and text Jonah

You dropped me off at Ashley's NYE after we got mcdonald's.

okay... but can we talk Sid?

pretty sure our lips did all the talking a week ago.

Yk what i mean Sid.

"Everyone still thinks we hate each other..." Ashley sniggers.

"Let them think, I'll see you on Monday" I give her a hug and then wait outside her house for Sammy.

30 minutes went by and a black tesla rolls up, Sammy jumps out the car.

"We've been worried sick about you" He engulfed me in a hug.

"I told you guys i was at a friends" I hug him back, Looking into the car where Jonah was fixing his hair.

"He's taking me to practice and youre coming, Anths having an important interview with someone in LA and didn't want no one home so... you're stuck with us"  He takes my bag off me.

Jonah gets out the car and the tension between us was unbearable.

"Jesus christ. One of you wanna tell me what happened i practically feel the tension here" Sammy literally reads my mind.

"Nothing, fuck up" I mess up his hair.

I sit in the back of the tesla, well this seat is a little too familiar with me.

The ride to the pitch was awkward. None of us saying a word to each other but the faint sound of the radio playing quietly.

"So did you guys like... fuck or something?" Sammy blurts out, making Jonah step on his brakes.

"Sammy be quiet... no" I mutter.

"Then why the hell are you being quiet, you weren't before we came to get her. What happened" He turns to face Jonah. Jonah side eyes him but carries on driving and parks up.

"Sammy go get set up, i just need to tell C i'm here" Jonah looks at me through the mirror.

"Sid, you coming?" He opens the door.

"Yeah" I quickly get out the car. Jonah sighs softly then exits his car. Sammy runs over and does a whole load of shit while i just sit and pretend to text people.

My phones dead. My chargers been at Jonah's house for the past week.

I was freezing and didn't have a jumper on. I was bored and had literally nothing to do.

I'm better off just walking home.

"Were gonna have to talk Sidney" Jonah walks over with my cameras.

I nod my head slightly and take them off him.

"Take a couple shots off us training" He winks and jobs off to Sammy.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now