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———— soccer
"I can't i have to go to my uncles farm" I grab onto Zach who just awkwardly looked at me.

"Zach head on to your next class. Sidney take a seat" He gets up and pulls a chair over. "I won't keep you too long."

"I'll see you later" Zach walks off. I slowly walk over to Jonah. Not sitting down and not standing close to him but close enough that i can hear him.

"Why'd you tell Daniel, it could get us both in a lot of trouble" He leans against his desk. rolling his shirt sleeves up.

"You in a lot of trouble. You're trying to seduce me remember" I don't think i've ever said that out loud to him.

"Okay i'm not trying to seduce you, Sidney." He raises his eyebrows.

"Uhm yes you are" I look at my watch. Daniel won't be out of isolation until the end of school.

"Just because i think you're pretty and think we could have something better than you and... Daniel. Doesn't mean i'm seducing you" He folds his arms, pushing his muscles up.

"Yeah well Daniel and I have something strong so just leave it okay. Get over it. I'm over you" No i'm not.

"No you're not" He chuckles.

"Yes i am. And i'm happy with Daniel so just stop being weird" I'm getting this off my chest.

"Why'd you cancel our lessons" He stands up tall.

"Because i'm uncomfortable around you" I say truthfully.

"Sidney you know that's not my intention" He puts his hands in his pockets and leans back against the desk.

"Well you do it anyways" I shrug my shoulders.

"Why can't we just go back to how we were before" He looks at his door but then back at me.

"Because i have a boyfriend, you're my teacher and i don't know... maybe it's a illegal" I look at my watch again. Just to indicate i'd prefer my free period right now.

"You have a boyfriend to make me jealous, i won't be your teacher in 4 weeks and then it won't be illegal" He counts on his fingers. "We've already kissed Sid so let's take it to another level"

"No. Ew. Are you forgetting the part where i said you made me uncomfortable. Staring at me from a distance, commenting on my instagram. I've blocked your number but that hasn't stopped you from calling me from other numbers has it?" I'm not in the mood for this conversation.

"Just admit that you're only with Daniel to get me off your mind" He licks his lips.

"I'm with Daniel, because i love him. Because he's there for me. If you don't respect that then you won't ever be the one Jonah. Goodbye" I turn around and walk straight out the classroom.

"What'd he say to you?" Zach was waiting outside, with his earphones in.

"I missed a lot the day i was off so i have to catch up with a load of work" I roll my eyes and go to my locker.

I open it and just put my stuff in. "I'm away home so i'll see you soon" Zach hugs me and walks off.

The isolation room is never used so i'm surprised Daniel is there. He must've really pissed Jonah off.

I get some food from the canteen and go to the isolation room. There was a couple Freshmen boys in here too.

"Miss. Carter, Who sent you?" The iso teacher asks.

"None, Just bringing food" I put chicken strips down on Daniels desk.

"Uh thank the heavens, love you" He places a kiss on my lips.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now