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———— kiss
I was sitting waiting for the nurse to come back from her lunch break after being with me the whole day.

I have a busted blood vessel in my nose, and my septum was cut. I lost quite a lot of blood and now i'm weak.

She was contemplating whether or not to take me to the hospital because it looked pretty bad, However she helped me and the unnecessary drive to the doctors wasnt happening.

"Sidney" Someone knocks on the door and the door opens. Jonah walks in closing the door.

"Sorry for throwing up over you" I laugh and look at his shirt, Which was too tight. His arms were popping out of them.

"You better be. Every single girl has complimented me on how tight my shirt is today.. It's all your fault" He jokes, pulling a chair over. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired... Alexis is supposed to driving back from work to pick me up" I sigh "She's been driving back for 45 minutes"

He nods and hands me a tub of pasta "Wanna eat my lunch?" He asks.

"No... I'll throw up again..." I truly say, nodding my head back. "Is Jason getting in trouble?"

"I'm arguing to get him expelled for carrying a blade around the school but Mr. Caylen is insisting on only giving him a 3 day suspension" He takes the pasta off me and sets it down.

"Where's Daniel?" I look around.

"He's talking to Sammy about what happened. They're not allowed in here yet..." He takes his phone out of his pocket "What time of music do you like?"

"Pop" I smile.

"I'll stay with you until Lulu gets back... I mean Nurse Schofield" He shakes his head. I laugh a little and push myself up a little more.

He starts playing the charts quietly. "Ed Sheeran is one talented man" He nods his head along to the beat. I wasn't paying attention to anything he was saying, now just admiring him.

"You know when i was in high school, I broke my arm. I got in a fight with this boy about this girl who was messing with the both of us... Reminded me of this situation" He messes with his hand. He thinks i'm messing with Jason and Daniel.

but damn, lucky girl.

oh no.

I shoot my head up to look at him. I said that out loud. That's absolutely perfect.

"She ended up getting called a hoe for her remaining time in high school" He laughs "Wasn't really lucky"

"That was my inside voice talking, I didn't mean that" I 100% meant that, No doubt about it.

"Your inside voice seems honest" He chuckles, Biting on his lip. "Want water or anything?"

"You can go you know, Your lunch would be way more... appreciated anywhere in the school, but with me in a nurses office" He's just checking up on me but i can't help but feel like there's more to it.

"I'm here to keep you company, There's morning more lonely then sitting in a school nurses office by yourself" He opens his tub of pasta.

"Well, You've obviously never been to a funeral" I didn't mean to sound depressive but i did.

"It'll get better, You know that right" He sets the pasta down and looks around me.

"Everyone has said that... and things have only gotten worse" I push myself up on the bed. Bringing my knees to my chest.

"You keep yourself together so well... I wonder how you're doing it" He smiles softly. "If i went through what you have... I wouldn't be able to get up out of my bed..."

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now