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"Green or... Grey?" I hold up two shirts to Daniel.

"Grey, it's more you" He finished off styling his hair. He wants to dye it black but i'm refusing to let him. The blonde does him good.

"Hurry up you two" Someone shouts from the other side of the door, Sounded like Sammy.

Daniel walks over and Sammy, Ashley and Corbyn walk in.

"Since when were you two a thing, Honestly it disgusts me, How you moved on from me" Ashley gets all up in Daniels face.

He just walks back to the mirror.

"And you're supposed to be my friend but you're fucking my ex" She can talk.

"Actually we're not fucking" Daniel smiles innocently.

I laugh and walk into the bathroom, just to get changed. I heard Ashley screaming down Daniel. She needs to stop.

"Hey Ash" I walk out the bathroom with the shirt daniel picked. It's cropped and pushes up my breasts a little, i'm gonna have a hoodie on over it anyways. 

"Change it" Sammy throws me a pink shirt.

"Chill" I put Daniel hoodie on over. 

"Hoe" Ashley mutters.

"Would you like me to name everybody you've fucked?" i raise an eyebrow.

She gives me a dirty look and carries on shouting at Daniel. "So are you two a thing?" Sammy asks, Corbyn listening in.

"Sort of. Ashley fucking leave" She's getting on my nerves.

"Rebekah was right about you, You're a good for nothing piece of shit that takes people ex's" She raises her voice. Ouch hurt my feels so much. 

"Ashley just go away, Why'd you guys even bring her?" Daniel slides his shoes on.

"She insisted" Both, Corbyn and Sammy put their hands up in surrender.

I roll my eyes and finish packing my bag while Ashley's, yet again, shouting down Daniel.

Keep in mind the door is still open, Which just have Jonah the perfect opportunity to walk straight in.

"What's going on in here" His bed head made him look so hot. I look at him but then turn around and look at my bag.

"This bitch took my boyfriend" Ashley sounded like she was crying.

I hear Jonah sigh and turn around, Ashley was crying. You're kidding right.

"For gods sake" Jonah rubs his temples.

"Ashley just go away" Daniel throws me over my phone. I slide it into my back pocket and start tying up my AF1

"Not until this bitch goes away from you. You knew i loved him and you fucking still went after him" She gets close to me.

"And you knew how messy Jason and I's breakup was but yet, you're still fucking him" I narrow my eyes. That shut her up.

"You're a dick" She pushes Daniel. Daniel just let her.

"And you're psychotic, Fuck off" I crack my knuckles.

"Watch your language Sidney" Jonah looks me up and down. Daniels protective mode switched on and he walks over to me.

Ashley doesn't move but a bitchy smirk appears onto her face. "Jason told me about all the fun times you guys had together" She purses up her lips.

Sammy looked intrigued in the conversation. Corbyn was pretending not to listen but failed miserably. Daniel looks me dead in the eye and Jonah just raises an eyebrow.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now