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———— Break in

Daniel and i did it last night. I'm no longer a virgin. He went slow and easy because it's my first time but holyyyy it was a sight.

And thank god his parents weren't home either.

Afterwards it was little weird but that stage passed.

"Morning gorgeous" His morning voice gets me.

"I don't wanna go school today" I groan.

"We have to go baby, we're doing the first english exam" He roams his hands over my body. I literally don't flinch or anything whenever he touches me. Not one bit.

I open my eyes fully and look at the light shining in his eyes making them sparkle.

"You're so hot" I force myself to sit up.

"I know" He shrugs his shoulder as if he's achieved something. "How you feeling" He moves a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Good... Can you not tell anyone" I'm not ready for Sammy to be pestering me with questions.

"Course not. You can shower first. I'll make us breakfast" He pecks my lips and gets out of bed.

I get out after he leaves the room and head to his bathroom. I start showering and then realize. I don't have my uniform here.

"Daniel..." I shout, blow drying my hair.

He walks in, his uniform on. "What's up"

"I don't got any uniform, can we stop by mine?" I ask. "Yeah course. Hurry up though" He heads back out.

I tie my hair in a low ponytail. i look like a boy but you know what, it's okay.

I grab some shorts from Anna's room and daniels top.

"Baby eat" He hands me a granola bar.

"Okay come on" I throw his his car keys. I left his bedroom and bathroom a mess... Oops.

He starts driving to my house, his hand resting on my thigh. But when we get there, there was police surrounded the whole house

"What happened here?" Daniel raises an eyebrow, pulling over in a neighbours garage.

"I don't know" I quickly run out the car. Him following after me.

"Sorry Ma'am you're not allowed in here". a female cop stops me from running in.

"I live there" I look at her, dead in the eyes.

"Sid... Oh my god" A police officer, his names Leo and he's friends with Anth, walks over. "I know this one" He says to the female cop.

Daniel and i walk under the 'caution tape'

"What happened?" I hope it's nothing too serious. "Sammy called the station last might because the alarm went off again and we sent a couple officers out. Nothing was to be seen. He was home alone so we set an officer on watch. Then he came running out because he heard stuff smashing in the basement, and yours and your parents room was trashed" He brings me inside.

"Sidney thank good you're okay" Sammy runs over. Hugging me and not letting go.

"Are you okay bud?" Daniel asks Sammy. Sammy nods and a cop escorts us to my room.

It was a mess. like the bed was broken. Pillows and blankets smashed around everywhere. The mirror smashed and side window off its hinges.

"Is there anything here that's missing? You can touch anything we've taken fingerprint samples" A cop nods. There was another cop taking pictures of the room.

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