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—————— Jonah Marais

It's Thursday today and on Tuesday the prison wasn't doing visitations so we're going to see Anthony today.

Detention was useless, Rebekah and I were put in the same room, Mr. Frantzichs room and the whole time we were arguing and saying shit. I threw a hardback dictionary at her head so now i have detention for 2 weeks, Mr. Frantzich is giving me today off though because i told him about the situation.

I'm walking to his classroom right now with Ashley and Daniel, They've skipped every english class and that's bad. They need to go to catch up.

I hate third wheeling and I've literally been doing that all day. Sammy was put back on the football team and all of them had an away match, So i've been with Ash and Daniel all day. Third wheeling.

I knock on Mr. Frantzichs door and receive a shout to come in. I walk in with Ashley and Daniel behind me, but get pushed to the floor while Ashley pushes past me.

"Ashley" I grunt. She completely ignores me, Grabs her stuff from Mr. Frantzich and walks back, Pushing me back on the floor.

"Whats your deal" I sigh loudly. Daniel puts his hand out to pull me and i grab it.

"Sidney, Come over... Daniel would you explain to Ashley that that isn't appropriate behaviour i'll accept in my class, Are you okay?" Mr. Frantzich looks at me, pointing to a seat in front of his desk.

I ignore his question and brush my clothes down while i look at Daniel "What's her problem?" I raise an eyebrow.

"She said you got a good ass, I agreed and now she's acting like that" He rolls his eyes. "Bye Mr. F" Daniel grabs his things and leaves.

"Frantzich... No one can say Frantzich" He shakes his head and leans back in his chair. He looks extremely attractive when he does that.

"Frantzich" I say and take a seat opposite him. He smiles and looks down, Almost as if he was blushing.

"My middle name is Marais... Might change it" He pushes his chair out and walks over to the file cabinet and grabs a book.

"My middle name is Peace" I look down. Why did i say that. That's so embarrassing.

He chuckles and sits in his seat. He accepted Sammy back into the team and i feel like i should thank him for that. Sammy was very happy.

"Thanks for giving Sammy a chance" I grab a pen from my bag and lean forward on the desk.

"Yeah no worries" He clears his throat and leans forward, His elbows on the desk. I lean back a bit and act like i'm paying attention to what he's telling me, Although i'm just staring at his lips. I've never seen someone with such beautiful lips.

"Sidney... You listening?" He snaps his fingers which pulls me back into reality. Why am i thinking about my teachers lips.

"Yeah" I cough and sit backwards in my seat.

"What was i saying then?" He folds his arms, Putting the pen behind his ear.

"Just like things about helping me" I touch my nose. I have no idea about what he was saying.

"Actually i was telling you about how i wish i could've been with the team today" He laughs and sits backwards, Tucking his shirt into his trousers.

Oh he looks amazing.

I look out the window, In awkwardness and chew the inside of my lip.

"Why aren't you with the team?" I make the conversation less awkward.

"Well, I couldn't miss my first lesson with you" He laughs "And because the old coach is back and i got kicked off being coach" He shakes his head. "I did your brother a favour. He never would've put Sammy back."

I nod my head slowly and he puts a piece of paper in front of me "Fill this in while i get your sheet from the printer" He hands me the pen he was using.

J.M.R.F engraved onto the side.

I wonder what his name is.

I take his pen and start filling in the form, it was just what i struggle with and everything.

"Sidney Peace Carter" He comes back laughing with my form.

"J Marais R Frantzich" I hand him his pen back, Laughing slightly. Hoping he'll tell me his name.

He looks down at his pen and puts it down, rubbing his lips together, Smiling. Fuck he's cute. Like really cute.

"So what were you thinking about when i was talking to you" He looks at his watch. He's supposed to be helping me not asking my why i'm thinking about his lips.

"Don't worry, We have time to kill and i'm assuming you don't want to get back to geography." He half smiles. Bitch just read my mind.

"Uhm... If i'm gonna make it on the cheer team or not...You know since Rebekah's the captain and i threw a dictionary at her head" I receive a laugh from him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh but her face was priceless" He gets a notification on his phone and then i noticed a ring on his finger.

He's married. He doesn't even look that old, It's surprising.

"Zach Herron just found my instagram" He sets his phone down. How did Zach i - He better drop his @ straight away.

I laugh a little and look at the clock. Times going so slow today and yet, I don't hate it.

"So how long have you and Corbyn been together?" He asks, Which literally made me choke.

"I'm sorry, What" I spit out. He thinks Corbyn and I are dating. Wtf.

"Corbyn?" His eyebrows knit together. I raise my eyebrow at him and he looks oblivious.

"We're not together" Imagine Corbyn and I together... That's funny.

"Oh" He seemed shocked. "Sorry, I just assumed. It's pretty convincible"

"Best friends since we could even walk" I laugh, Looking back at the clock.

"So you're single?" He nods.

"Mr. Frantzich or Marais whatever the hell your name is... My private life is none of your business, Is your clock broken or something?" I ask.

He looks at his clock and then presses his phone. "I guess it is yeah, See you tomorrow for your detention... Goodbye Sidney" He nods and pushes his chair out. I grab my bag and walk behind him to his door.

He's got a good ass.

"Oh and Sidney" He says while opening the door "Yeah" I question, Biting on my inner lip.

"My names Jonah, But don't tell anyone" He pushes his finger up to his lip and see's me out. I smile and walk to my next class.


Didn't expect that. Cute though.


i really like Jonah's lips... Like his lips are 😍😍😍😍😍

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