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———— i love you
"Who the fucks Jonah and why is he a creep?" He raises an eyebrow, Grabbing into my hand.

"Mr. Marais and because he talks to his family about me... Creep" I walk faster with him.

"Well i knew something was up from him the moment i seen him. He's always had the eye for you" He slows down the walking.

"Daniel you promise to not tell anyone what i'm about to tell you" I hold my pinky out. Yes i still pinky promise.

He hooks his pinky with mine "What's up?"

"So when Jason cut my nose, Jonah and I kissed. And at the motel, We nearly escalated into something more than kissing but i think-"

"Woah" He takes his hand away from mine.

"Daniel please just listen to this okay. I literally love you and he doesn't mean anything- oh my god" I just said i love him. it's been a week god dammit

"Forget about that Sid. You made out with him" He frowns. Crossing his arms over his body.

"Daniel he was seducing me" I look into Daniels eyes. Daniels was squinting and he looked pissed.

"He gave up his free period to spend time with me, wanted to take me on a date, bought me a freaking ring for my birthday, was deadsss gonna come to birthday, got really jealous when you and i started hanging out. Says i can do better than you... What am i gonna do" I turn my back to Daniel.

I knew he was flirting with me but Esther exposing him just tipped me.

"Baby we should go to the police about this" Daniel grabs my arm.

"No because it's slightly my fault too, I flirted back with him and i invited him to the party and i agreed to go to his motel room..." I'm panicking. It's bad when i panic.

"Baby but he probably manipulated you into doing that stuff... When was the last time he creeped you out?" Daniel asks.

"Detention. He's always looking at me and he made an instagram account to follow me i'm pretty sure." I take my phone out my pocket but my hands were shaking too much that i dropped my phone.

"Okay baby lets go home and we'll talk about it there" He picks my phone up and keeps his hand in mine while walking to his house.

"Are you mad at me for kissing him?" I need Daniel right now.

"No i'm mad at him for kissing you" He unlocks his house and takes me to his room.

"Let's see the instagram?" He opens his laptop.

I type in the username but it didn't come up. "It was that JonMRF one" I type it in again.

It doesn't come up but Daniel starts scrolling through my pictures and the comments. He's literally commented on them all.

He clicks onto the profile and takes a photo of it.

"Daniel i can't tell anyone until the end of the semester" I put my hands between my thighs to try and stop them shaking.

"Why?" He looks at me.

"Because if people find out that in the one making him leave they're gonna call me all these names and hate me and i can't deal with that right now" A tear slipped out my eye.

"Baby he's making you uncomfortable and literally stalking you on instagram. You have to tell someone" He closes his laptop over.

"I told you Daniel... Theres only a few weeks left of this semester. Then after the semester finishes we can go together. And i don't have any proof that he's doing this apart from his phone number which he got off Zach's phone and the gift he got me for my birthday" I wipe my eyes. Although all i wanted to do right now was scream and cry.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now