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———— pumpkin patch
Daniels POV
The bus started filling up 20 minutes later and Mr. C assigned seats.

Sid and I are allowed to sit at the back though.

She fell asleep on me, my arms were wrapped around her waist and she hand her hand ontop of mine.

She deserves the world and i want to be the one to give her it.

Mr. Marais walks down and sits 2 seats down from us. "It's dangerous for her to sit like that while the bus is moving" I don't know what his problem is with me but i don't care that he's my teacher, i will fight him.

"It'd be more dangerous for her to lay across the back while the bus is moving" I hold onto her tighter.

I know he has the hots for Sidney. It's so obvious to me but it seems no one else can notice it.

"It's dangerous Mr. Seavey. it can result to you both in the hospital" He raises an eyebrow. Looking straight at her chest. She usually has a sweater on but she didn't today. She was comfortable with her body today.

"Creep" I mutter. Keeping hold of her, covering her chest with my arm.

"Mr. Seavey i won't ask you again to put her down in her ow seat" His voice raises a little.

"Mr. Marais it's okay, I know they're like that, They'll be fine" Mr. C shouts up. Jonah frowns and nods.

"An apology would be nice" I smile innocently.

He ignores me and looks out the window.

The whole drive back to the hotel i could see him glance over at us. At least 5 times a minute.

I started calling Sid 'babe' and 'baby' last night. She's completely fine with it and so am i, But i can see it makes Sammy uncomfortable.

It's kinda funny because when she was telling them everything that happened with Jason. She was sitting on my lap and i kept saying' baby are you good' and they all just looked at us uncomfortably.

It's because we've only been friends though, it won't wreck the friendship group if it does progress into us being in a relationship, it'll just be a little different because i won't be out every night partying and making out with girls.

So i won't have the stories to tell the boys about girls or fights i've been in. I wanna change for the better. I wanna change for her.

"Wake her up now" Mr. Marais says as we pull into the hotel parking.

"I can carry her" I don't get why he's into her so much. It's so weird and that makes me uncomfortable.

He noticeably rolls his eyes and everyone starts getting off the bus. I carry her bridal style to the elevator but she wakes up as soon as the door opens.

"Hello sleeping beauty" I look at her tired eyes.

I wait till i'm in the elevator and then put her down, but she keeps hold off my hand and her head pressed against my chest anyways.

Mr. Marais got in the elevator with us and he pressed the button to the third floor.

"Is Sammy okay?" Sid asks, her voice croaky from just being woke up.

"He's fine baby" I bring her closer to me.

Just our luck for the elevator to stop which startled her.

"You're okay, it's just jammed or something" I keep my hand in hers and press the emergency button. This happened to Jack and Zach yesterday.

She turns around and notices Mr. Marais just standing there, arms folded.

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