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———— NYE
We're all heading to Kians party.

I've dressed way out of my comfort Zone but i look good and that's to try and make Daniel jealous.

I'm wearing a purple mini dress with heels and a full face of makeup.

Jenny's basically wearing the same thing except her dress is a little bit longer.

We walk in and Kian stops and stares at me "Damn Sidney" He laughs and gives me a hug. I hug him back and walk in.

I felt better. I used to go out like this every weekend.

"Damn Sid" Harry hands me a shot.

"Not looking too bad yourself" I take it down and hand him the glass back. Then head off to where everyone was. Getting side looks from the girls and stares from the boys.

I was dancing with some random girl for a while until i seen Daniel, Then i turned and got a drink off Harry.

"So, Now that you're single" He looks down at me.

"Are you hitting on me Harry" I take a sip from whatever was in this cup.

"Do you blame me?" He laughs.

"You're gonna go back to England soon, Not really into the whole Long distance thing" I laugh.

"Who said i'm moving back" He takes a drink from his cup. "Wanna dance?"

I set my cup down and we go to the dance floor. We danced for a while, People watching us. Anthony was keeping an eye on me. Then someone taps my shoulder.

I turn to look at Daniel standing there, Jaw and fist clenched.

I just turn my back towards him and walk to Kian. "Where's your bathroom?" I ask.

"Use the one upstairs, Only you guys can us that one" He nods. I nod back and head up the stairs to his bathroom.

I don't need the bathroom i just need to check my makeup.

I walk down the corridor and someone walks out. Jonah walks out.

We make eye contact and he just glanced down at me before looking back at me.

"Good choice to go with the dress" He wipes his hand on his shirt.

"Nice shoes" I look down at his Nike's

"Thanks, There's no hand towel" He points to the bathroom.

"I just need air to be honest" I smile and walk into the bathroom and open the window. I just stick my head out for a while and then head downstairs again.

I get a new drink and stand against the wall. Daniel walks over "Why are you wearing that" He sniggers.

"Because i wanted to, Why'd you fuck other girls?" I cross my arms.

"We should talk about this" He holds his hand out.

"No thank you. I don't want a relationship" I blow him a kiss and walk off outside. Anthony was smoking a joint with Jonah and Kian.

I take the blunt off Kian and take a puff. They were all surprised.

"Wanna join us?" Kian laughs.

"Yes" I sit beside Jonah, the only free seat.

We were passing the joint round, Taking a hit and repeating until it was gone.

"Since when did you smoke" Anthony blinks slowly. He's gonna get high asf tonight. He doesn't drink

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now