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———— homecoming
It's homecoming.

Daniel picked out my dress for me and honestly, boys got good taste. He took me on a date yesterday to the fancy restaurant i used to work at and he's such a gentleman.

The police don't know who it was in the house so Daniel and I are staying with each other but taking turns what house.

tonight we're staying at his house, tomorrow we're staying at mine.

See it's half day at school because the fact it's homecoming. He's coming with me to get my hair, nails and makeup done.

He's coming with me to my 1-1 lesson with Jonah as well. I'm telling him that i don't need his assistance anymore and that i'm getting my own tutor.

We're walking into his classroom now.

"Sidney... and Daniel" He frowns, rolling his eyes slightly.

"Hope you don't mind" Daniel walks over to a seat and puts his feet up on the table.

"Not at all, get your feet of the table" Jonah stands up and walks over to the files. i take a seat opposite his desk.

Daniel was staring at him the whole time. I was uncomfortable as hell.

"So we'll start with vowels-"

"Yeah fuck this... I'm not coming back to these lessons, Anths got me my own tutor" I push the chair out and pick my bag up.

"Sidney...?" Jonah says confused.

"Just not helping." I truthfully say. Daniel walks out with me and nudges into me "You left him hanging and he hated it"

"Ahh.. Sidney Carter jist the person i was looking to see" My photography teacher walks out the principals office.

"What's up" I stop.

"You haven't taken the pictures for last weeks homework, i expect them done by tomorrow" She smiles and walks off.

"What's the homework?" Daniel grabs hits bag out of his locker.

"Have to take a set of unique photos and develop them in the schools red room" lift up a note that was left in his locker.

"Go suck a dick. you and Sidney will
never be a cute couple... Ashley" I read out.

He laughs and rips the note up, placing it in her locker "Ohh why don't you take nude photos" He jokes.

But that honestly wouldn't be all bad of an idea...

"You've got a point. Nobody would do that" I get my books out of my locker.

"Baby i wasn't being serious." He looks up and down at my body. "But if you need someone to take the pictures in all here" He winks.

"No i need to take the pictures... idiot" I slap his snapback down to his face. He realises what he says and face palms himself.

"I could be the model" He winks.

"And let other girls see that dashing six pack of yours... nope that's only for my eyes" I lightly punch him in the stomach.

"Schools ending in a minute so you two can head out now" Jonah walks down the corridor. His sleeves rolled up to show off his arm muscles.

"Yup we're just about to do that" Daniel closes my locker and takes my folders off me. My folders are literally pink and purple so boyfriend goals.

"Head out then" Jonah walks into Mr. C's office.

Daniel and i head out to his house and start getting ready for homecoming.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now