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———— merry christmas
Sammy's POV

It's Christmas day and i just got informed about the most heartbreaking news ever.

At the same time, im about to kill a bitch.

Daniel has been fucking around with sidney, he's been messaging other girls, Secretly seeing them and talking bad about Sidney.

Harry just told me and said he didn't have the heart to tell Sid himself because of how happy she's been.

It's Christmas and Sidney's really happy but i know the longer i leave it the longer it will hurt her.

I don't wanna tell her today though because of the fact it's Christmas. I'll let her have this day to her and tell her tomorrow.

I walk downstairs and everyone already seemed to be up. Sidney was over by the kitchen and Daniel was on his phone. Anth was reading a newspaper. Kians celebrating with us and he was wrapping up a present.

"Just in time" Kian looks up at me. Sidney turned around and dropped a pan.

"You okay" I run over to her. She just look down at the pan and then up at me.

"We need to talk" She looks over at Daniel.

Does she already know?

"Okay you two, Wanna open your presents now?" Anthony asks.

Sidney clears her throat and forces a smile onto her face "Yes, Obviously" She picks the pan up and then walks off. Sitting beside Daniel.

He then puts his phone down and shoved it into his pocket. Asshole.

"Sammy... This ones for you" Kian holds up the present he was wrapping.

"Thanks" I walk over and sit the other side of Daniel.

"Y'all the party has arrived" Alexis walks in with my dads brother, Then my two cousins walk in. They're twins too.

"Hey" Sidney jumps up and hugs Maggie. There's Maggie and Mark.

Sidney then picks up Maggie and sits with her between Daniel. Daniel acted all sweet and nice.

"These ones are just about to open their presents" Kian points to the box.

I slowly start unwrapping it's

no way.

"Oh my god... Kian" I take the rolex out of the box. Kians smile lit up and he slid something over to Sidney.

Sidney hesitantly opens it, Covering what it was immediately, her hand being thrown over her mouth.

"I told you not to get me this" She takes her hand away and holds this beautiful diamond necklace up.

"And i never listen to you" He winks. Daniel was pissed and glared down Kian.

"Thank you so much" Sidney gets up and hugs Kian. I was keeping my eyes on Daniel. His jaw clenched.

So Sidney isn't allowed to hug her childhood friend but Daniel allowed to fuck with other girls. Nope don't think so.

"Baby here" Daniel pulls out the present for Sidney. Sidney finally stops thanking Kian and sits back down with Daniel.

He hands her a ring box. No i don't approve of this.

"Wait, Sidney open mine first" I get her present from under the tree.

She'll like this.

She puts Daniels present down and i give her mine. She shakes it and then starts opening it. A smile appeared onto her face.

"love you Sammy" She rubs her hand down the pillow of our little family. Mom Dad, Anth, her and me. The picture we took together before anth was sent to jail and before they passed.

"Here" Daniel winks to his box. She sets the pillow onto her lap and opens the ring box.

"Aw...Oh...Thank you so much baby" She takes this rose gold ring out of the box. No.

"It's a promise ring..." He smiles looking down at her.

No he's not promising shit. I do not care if i'm about to wreck Christmas.

"What are you promising" Alexis looked intrigued.

"To love her until i can marry her" He smiles. Sidney was so shook. She's never had someone like that before.

"Will you send other girls dick pics if you marry her too?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Sammy" Anth gets involved.

"What bro" Daniel turns to face me properly.

Sidney looked up from the ring and then at Daniel.

"Or meeting up with them when you're shopping for Sid, Or dropping your sister off" I sniffed. I'm not letting him make a promise he can't keep.

"What are you talking about?" He frowns.

"Let me see your phone" I hold my hand out.

"Sammy you're just tryna wreck this aren't you?" Alexis sniggers.

"Shut up and let him talk" Kian stays on my side.

"Let me see your phone" I look back at Sid. She looked heartbroken.

"Bro i'm not giving you my phone" Daniel shakes his head and looks at Sid. Sid rubbed her lips together.

"Can i have your phone then?" She asks.

"Okay, I'm gonna take these two to the spare room. We're staying the night" Uncle Tom picks Maggie and Mark up.

"Baby...?" Daniel takes his phone out of his pocket.

"Daniel dont fucking baby me. If you don't got nothing to hide, let me see your phone" She holds her hand out.

"You two, Take this upstairs" Alexis says.

"Shut up" Kian and I say at the same time.

Daniel sniggers and sets his phone in Sidney's hand.

"What's your passcode" She sets the ring box down, the ring in it.

"Your name" He crosses his arm over his chest.

Sidney sits back and Anthony was about to throw fists. So was i.

She just sniggered but i could tell that something was wrong. "Literally fuck yourself" She throws the phone onto Daniel and gets up.

"Baby" Daniel gets up after her.

"Don't fucking dare" Anthony pulls him back. Sidney jogs up the stairs and into her room.

"How did you know" Kian asks.

"Harry called me and read out groupchat conversations, Many people knew about it but too scared because he has a temper..." I whisper. I don't need Harry getting jumped.

"Fucked up shit" Kians jaw clenched. Alexis walked up the stairs and into Sidney's room.

"You asshole" Daniel turned to probably get in my face and threaten me but Anthony pulled him back.

"You're the fucking asshole, you promised her and you just fuckinng used her" I speak up for Sidney. She doesn't deserve this.

"You don't have no exscuse for cheating other then your ego. Thinking you can get any girl you want and taking advantage of Sidney for the only purpose of using her to portray yourself as loyal" Anthony snaps.

"That's not what happened. Give her my best. I do love her" He grabs his phone and just leaves. Idk where he's gonna go bc his family is in portland.

"How long have you known for?" Anthony asks me.

"Found out last night, Guve her her space" I jog upstairs to my room. I watch Daniel walk down the drive and exit the gates. Not looking back once. Head down.


men ain't shit

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