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————janitors room
"Wake up you two" Kian knocks on my bedroom door. He's been staying with me. Anth still isn't anywhere to be seen so Kians trying his hardest to find him.

"We're gonna ditch." Daniel seemed to already be up.

"No you're not." Kian walks in.

"Have you got anything?" I sit up.

"I'm meeting with the police now, So i'm dropping you off at school. So hurry up" He leaves something on my table and leaves, closing the door after him.

"Ugh" Daniel groans and gets up. "You look sick" He wipes something from his eyes.

"Thanks" I get out of bed and go straight into the bathroom. Locking the door. He's right. I do look sick.

I shower quickly and blow dry my hair. Getting changed into my uniform. I'm on my period and i look ugly.

I put some light makeup on and then walk out. Daniel was sorting out the bed. "Baby i didn't mean it in a bad way" He throws the cushions down and walks over to me.

"You're right, i do" I sigh and put some lipgloss on. I fix my hair in the mirror while he's using the bathroom and head downstairs. Kian was on the phone. "Anthony is in the police station right now. You're going to school. You'll see him after school" He smiles.

"Have i ever said i hate you?" I love Kian. He's basically like an older brother.

"Many times, Where's Daniel?" He hands me a plate of food.

"I'll be fine with a granola bar" I push it away.

"Baby eat it." Daniel walks down the stairs, tying his tie.

"Nice to know someone's got a brain" Kian pushes the plate back. I sit on the stool and take a bite from the bagel. I don't remember the last time i actually ate a proper breakfast.

Kian walks over with Daniel and they start whispering. About me obviously.

"I'm right here just say it to my face" I fold my arms across my chest. Bitchy look on my face.

"I'm telling him to keep an eye on you because you seem to be in a little mood here" He points to me.

"Shut your mouth" I turn back around and carry on eating.

"She's on her period" I hear Daniel whisper.

"Oh that explains it" Kian whispers back.

"You know what Daniel. Fuck you" I smile sarcastically and grab my bag.

"Where you going?" Kian asks. Handing Daniel something.

"School" I grab my car keys and walk out the door, completely forgetting that there's a police watch on my house 24/7 and a undercover cop at school with me.

"Sidney need a ride to school?" She asks. Flipping open her notepad.

"She's good with me" Daniel puts his arm around my waist. I take it off and storm past the cop. Getting my dads car out the garage. It's mine now.

I get in the drivers and daniel quickly got in the passenger.

"Babe i'm sorry." He pouts. Fixing his hair in the mirror.

"No you're not" I start driving to school.

I was silent the whole time. He kept saying how he was sorry.

Soon enough we're in school by our lockers. "You look pissed" Corbyn says. Taking a step back.

"Yeah she's mad at me. Baby" Daniel grabs my hand but i refuse to let him apologise until he actually means it.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now