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———— hotel room
We just got our hotel rooms, I'm with Jenny, Daniels with Ryan. We're switching again.

I'm surprised the school could actually afford this because it's a pretty nice hotel.

"I'll be waking you guys up at 11am to go to the first play..." He starts looking through the hotel keys.

"You guys look miserable" Mrs. Yvonne laughs. I roll my eyes at her, along with the other girls in the class.

"Sir why can't you just let us sleep with our boyfriends and girlfriends? Like we're all mature enough to know what safe sex is and we're all too tired for that shit anyways" Ryan says, Grabbing onto Jenny's hands.

"Okay you've got a point... Fine, you guys sleep where you wanna sleep, But i'm not responsible for anyone that gets pregnant. That's all on you" He sets the key cards down on the table.

Daniel grabs one and then grabs my hand. "Only if you wanna?" He says.

Me, taking advantage of knowing Jonah's listening, says yes.

I've been subtlety flirting with Daniel, Well we've bother been flirting with each other.

I know Jonah's getting pissed too.

We head to our room and he slumps onto the double bed, letting out a massive sigh.

I put my phone on charge and start unpacking the stuff. Here for 5 more days.

"One bed" He winks. I laugh, a genuine laugh.

"So... Wanna tell me who's irked you for you to be flirting with me?" He says with a smile across his face.

"I'm not flirting with you" I side eye him.

"oh yeah you are" He takes his shirt off.

"Ever considered a girl having feelings for you?" I take my jacket off. I'm most likely going to regret ever saying that. Although Daniel as a boyfriend doesn't seem that bad...

He just giggles and heads to the bathroom.

so it's true. u and daniel are a thing. ridiculous

ur my teacher jonah. get over it

ur messing with me...

gtg Daniels calling me.

why the sudden change in heart? seemed like u were enjoying us yesterday

daniel tastes better... 🤷‍♀️


I turn my phone off. Never ever kissed Daniel before, might just have to try that in front of Jonah though.

He walks out of the bathroom with his hair wet. Okay he looked hot with nothing but a towel wrapped around his body.

"Wanna picture?" He asks.

"Nope, Dont come in here" grab some underwear from my suitcase and then pull his towel down, walking into the bathroom.

I didn't look, mainly for the fact i was too scared. But that was funny.

I lock the door and start showering.

I'm hoping to lose feelings for Jonah so maybe doing all of this with Daniel will help with that.

It's completely wrong in the first place. The moment i laid my eyes on Jonah. Shouldn't have happened. Although there's this feeling that's telling me i need to up and leave.

I shower and put my underwear on, then wrap a towel around my body and walk out, Daniel was on his laptop but his attention drew to me when he seen me.

"Mr. Marais is taking care of this corridor, he want us all to meet him in 15 minutes" He looks down at me but then back up again.

"Cool" I grab Daniels shirt that was laying across the bed. I get back in the bathroom and put his shirt on, I put some lipgloss on to and get back into the room, sliding some shorts on.

"Uber eats is coming with Chipotle" He bites his lip.

"You better have got my order right or i'm gonna be one unimpressed girl" I slide some socks on and sit on the bed.

"Zach's coming here in a second, just to get this" He holds up a toiletry bag.

I nod and turn my phone on. Zach comes and they stay talking for a while, I was scrolling through twitter.

Then we got a knock on the door to say Mr. Marais wanted us in the foyer.

We head down together and just our luck for our uber eats to be waiting. Daniel sorts that out and everyone was standing around.

Jonah walks down in grey joggers and white tee. He knows full rightly what he's doing.

All the girls started swooning over him and that really got on my nerves.

I'm supposed to be getting over him though... Just breathe. You're with daniel.

Daniel was standing against the couch, leaning almost. I was sitting on the couch. Then i got the idea to sit on Daniels knee.

So i grabbed his hand and he looked confused. I stand up and basically push him down, placing myself onto his knee.

Jason just happened to be in this corridor and he looked pissed. Sammy was astonished, Ashley gave me the dirtiest look ever and Jonah just stood there. Eyes wide.

Daniel places his hand on my thigh and positions me so it's more comfortable for him.

"I'm in the first room on this corridor, Need anything and i'm gonna be there" He narrows his eyes and looks away for a moment.

"Who's paired up with who... Just so i can get a list of names i should look out for." He clears his throat a little.

Everyone started lining up in their pairs, mainly a boy paired with a girl.

Daniel and I got up. I purposely put my hand in his and we walks to Jonah.

"Daniel and Sydney" He nods, Making intense eye contact with us both. "What room?"

"Third one down" Daniel yawns.

"Beside mine" Jonah says in what seemed to be an achieved way.

"Bye" Daniel walks off with me.

"He's totally into you" Daniels jaw clenched.

"Good thing i wouldn't date my teacher" Lies.

He kind of looked confused but then just moved past it. He basically threw himself onto the bed "Did you see Ashley's face whenever you sat on my lap" He laughs.

"Sammy's and Jo-Jason's too" I sit beside him.

"Why did you do that" He turns on his side, using his elbow to hold himself up.

"You looked uncomfortable" I get up out of the bed and get the chipotle.



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