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———— black tesla
"Sidney, Jack, Harry and Bethany" He shouts over. We've finished try outs. Now he's calling to see who's good enough to be in the teams.

We all run over and he looks around at us "Yeah Bethany go home" He says straight. "Sidney sit at the sideline" He points.

"What?" I throw my arms in the air. I'm literally better then them all.

"Just sit, Harry you sit with her" He looks down at the clipboard.

"So are you and Daniel still together?" He asks, while we sit on the bench.

"Yeah" i point to Daniel at the bleachers, Looked like he was on his phone.

"You guys are cute together but doesn't he fuck around a lot?" Harry asks, shuffling a little closer to me.

"He's matured" I cough.

Jonah walks over and kneels down. "You two are captains. Both the best soccer players i've seen a while" He hands us the form.

"Of what team?" I question.

"Well the female team obviously, Sid" He raises an eyebrow. Harry looked hella confused on why he just called me Sid.

"Yeah, no... Have you seen them play sir. I'd be going solo that full match. I want in on the boy team." I cross my arms across my chest.

"Sidney we need atleast one good player on that team?" He looks at all the hopeless girls standing there, looking over at us.

"Sir i think she's right, she could have a good impact on our team. For the likes of Kevin... He's really not that good. Sidney's better" Harry sticks up for me. Wow. didn't know it did that.

"Men's football is more aggressive than females" He rips out another form.

"Little bit sexist, not think?" I take it off him, our hands brushing.

"See you tomorrow for practice, Bring proper shoes" He nods and starts talking to Harry.

"Did you get on" Rebekah arches her back, walking up to me and puckering you're her lips.

"Yes. Suck my dick" I smile and walk off to the bleachers.

"Did you get it baby?" Daniel asks.

"Boy team" I cheer for myself. He smiles and brings me in for a hug.

"Wanna get something to eat?" I peck his jaw. "I'm starving"

"Yeah sure" He grabs my bag. While walking through the gate. He thought it would be funny to continuously slap my ass.

"Daniel..." I stop and raise an eyebrow at him. "Walk in front of me"

"What... no. The view is good from here" He winks.

"Stop" I grab his arm and pull him a little in front of me. He sighs and slides his arm around my waist. He's being extra touchy today.

A black tesla slowly drove by with tinted windows. It wasn't hard to notice Jonah driving the car, but Daniel got all protective.

Jonah wasn't even looking at us, just driving the speed limit in school. He's got a good car.

Once we reach the front gate. The tesla speeds up and soon it's away.

"Mr. Marais rich... Damn" He shakes his head, putting his hands in his pockets.

I don't say anything but we walk into his moms shop. "Sidney" She runs over from sorting out the cabinets. 2 weeks and i've got a job.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now