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———— snitch

Jason got arrested last night, He was caught on the schools cameras, vandalising my locker. They have him arrested as a suspect for everything that went down at my house. It's all cleaned up now but Anthony is still nowhere to be seen.

"Babe come on" Daniel groans. We've been sitting in the schools parking lot for 25 minutes.

I'm refusing to go in. Everybody somehow knows i was the one that got Jason arrested. Now everyone's calling me 'sly' and a 'snitch'

I can't be dealing with that right now.

"No, Daniel i'm not gonna get called shit again just because he's in the wrong" I fold my arms across my chest. Why is Daniel so eager to get to school. He literally NEVER wants to go in.

"I'll fight them if they say anything" He lifts me up, over his shoulder.

"Daniel i swear to god. Put me down right now" I slap his back. It doesn't make this any better that my periods is due soon and my mood is up and down like a yo-yo.

"Baby we missed the test and we're gonna miss the copy up if you don't stop being a pussy" He puts me down. He's calling me a pussy.

"Fuck yourself Seavey" I frown and go straight back to my car.

"Your periods coming soon" He laughs, getting in the drivers seat.

I roll my eyes, keeping my arms folded and moving my legs away from him so he knows i'm angry at him.

"Baby i'm just kidding. If we get this exam over and done with then we can ditch last three and tomorrow" He puts his hand on my thigh, which i take off.

"We have Jonah taking the exam" I narrow my eyes.

"And he's not gonna try anything with you, if you're forgetting there's still a pretty distinctive mark on your neck from the other night" He laughs.

I throw my bag at him and get out of the car, walking into the school.

"Sidney, you're late" The woman in the office says.

"No shit" I'm so mad and i don't know why.

"I'll take care of her" Daniel signs the late board quickly and runs after me.

I walk into Jonah's classroom before him, him shortly after.

"Daniel and Sidney, nice to know you'll be joining us today? find a single seat. Test starts in 15" Jonah gets up off his desk. I head to my normal english seat and Daniel to his.

He sets my bag down beside me and takes a drink out of his bag.

Jonah hands us both a sheet, a post it note attached to mine.

meet me after school for a talk?

"No" I say out loud. Crumbling it up.

"Sidney" He says, his voice low.

Daniels POV

"Jonah" Sidney replies, monotone with his voice.

"Stay behind after class" He walks off, back to his seat. Okay i get that her periods due soon so that's why i'm pissing her off because she's so funny when she's angry.

But she isn't acting like herself at all.

"Babe what is wrong?" I turn around.

"Nothing" She sets her head down on the table. I turn around and start looking through my notes. Sammys supposed to be taking this too but he's with Alexis.

"5 minutes you guys" Jonah says, looking up at Sidney and licking his lips. He makes me sick.

Soon enough the papers being handed out. Too me, and probably everybody else. It was easy. To Sidney, She's struggled on the spelling part.

"See you guys tomorrow, Sidney wait behind" Jonah says, excusing the class.

"Fuck off" She muttered under her breath.

"Daniel go on ahead-"

"So you can try kiss her again?" I'm never leaving Sidney alone. Especially not with him.

"Fine, Sidney hoodie isn't school uniform, cover the hickey on your neck next time and don't use my first name in class. Come in on time" He starts pestering.

She literally looked at her watch and yawned. Making it obvious she doesn't give a flying fuck.

"And don't be cheeky" He looks down at her.

"Cool" She says blankly and walks out.

"What's going on with you?" I ask, Putting my hand in hers. She moved it away. Turned on her heels and walked back into Jonah's classroom.

I run after her and she threw the post it note, directly at his head and then carried on walking.

"So we skipping or what?" She throws her bag to her still messed up locker.

"Baby what's wrong?" I grab her hands and pull her back into me.

"Daniel nothing. Stop fucking pestering me" She sighs heavily.

"Nothings wrong no?" I raise an eyebrow.

She rolls her eyes and looks away but then straightens her posture and put on her bitchy look.

I turn around and some guys from the soccer team were walking in. "Oh and there's the snitch herself" One of Jason little minions say.

"Say one more fucking word and i swear to god i'll rip your tongue from your mouth" I look directly in his eyes. He looked down and walked away. Along with the other guys.

I'm kind of glad i have the reputation of a 'badass' in this neighbourhood because then nobody knows to fuck with me, and because Sidneys with me. No one will fuck with her.

I look back at her and she was on the urge of crying. "Baby what's wrong" I move a piece of lose hair out of her face.

"Anths missing and i need him most right now" She breaks down. I bring her in for a hug and just let her sob in my arms for a while.

"What else" I rub her back.

"I miss my mom and dad. I thought i was doing okay but i can't cope Daniel" She sniffs. "My teachers being a dickhead and all i want is to be happy, with you."

Jonah's POV
I walked out of my room to change up Sidneys work a little and give her an extra couple marks.

I seen her in Daniels arms, in the corridor. He was hugging her and faint sobs were heard.

I hate them. She should be with me. I'm not trying to be 'creepy' i just want her.

Jason was my little partner in crime to try and make this happen, that her and Daniel break up.

I knew she would never go back to him so i was hoping i had a chance. But instead the son of a bitch goes and gets caught and now i'm solo.

I didn't step foot in Sidney's house however, i was just the getaway driver.

"You'll be okay baby, shhh" I hear him say.

"Sidney is everything okay?" I ask her. Daniel immediately becomes protective and puts on his serious face.

"Literally shut the fuck up" She shakes her head at me and walks off. Daniel picks her bag up and walks after her.

I don't mean for it to be like this. That's not how i wanted her to react.

I want to be the ones she turns to when she feels like this but instead, Daniel is.

"Mr. Marais... I'd like to have an important word with you in my office and i expect you to tell me the full truth before this gets sent to authorities" Mr. Caylen steps out of his office. His face full with rage.

oh shit.


OVer ThE CaStlE On ThE HiLl

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