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————  old friends
Anth just told me everything that happened with Jason.


I understand now why Sidney jumps when people touch her in certain places, or retaliates whenever someone says something about her.

"She just hasn't been the same since and Daniel brings out the side of her that she had before but... Sometimes i think he takes advantage of her" He sighs and sits back on the other side of the couch.

"I guess going through something like that would change you." I crack my knuckles. Jason's reserves to be in a cell for the rest of his life.

Her bedroom door opens and she walks out with Daniels shirt on and some shorts. Coming down the stairs "Baby" Daniel shouts. She turns and walks back up the stairs, closing the door after her.

"He's really over protective over her" I look at Anth who was sort of looking at me curious into why i was looking at Sid.

"Yeah, that's kind of a good thing though. Stops people from messing with her. Sometimes he should tone it down a little bit but he's not controlling her either so that's good" He stands up and walks over to the cabinet, getting a load of paperwork out.

He walks over an shows me a hospital appointment from when Sidney was 15.

"What happened there?" I read through the details. She was there for 2 weeks. Damn.

"Jason sliced her thigh open and she had numerous panic attacks, She told the nurses she fell off her bike" he sighs, rubbing his eyes.

"Messed up. I set it down on the table." Her door opens again but i didn't look up. I was wanting too but i didn't. I contained myself.

"Hey we're ordering pizza" She walked into the kitchen, this time with his sweater going down to just above her knee.

"Oh, order a couple and we'll bring everyone down to eat some... Is that okay?" Anth asks, turning to look at her.

"Yeah sure" She stands on the counter to reach something from the top shelf.

"Oh and Sid, tell Daniel to come down here" Anth picks up all the paperwork.

"Why?" She shoves the tinfoil wrapper into the sweatshirt pocket.

"Cus i need to talk to him, Won't take too long" He walks over and puts everything back where he got it.

Pretty sure that was a rubber she took from the cabinet.

"Also what's that you took?" Anth holds his hand out.

"Tampon" She looks to the side for a moment. biting on the inside of her lip.

He laughs and let's her walks past.

"Did you see what she took?" He sits down, leaving a moderate amount of space between one side of the couch.

"Pretty sure it was a rubber" I look at my watch. I've only been here for 30 minutes. We're supposed to be catching up but knowing Anth he'll probably force me to stay for dinner.

"Yeah that makes sense." He shakes his head.

"What's it doing in the kitchen cabinet?" I laugh a little. Kinda do but kinda don't wanna throw Sid under the bus.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now