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———— birthday dinner

"oh my god you fucking creep... are you stalking me" I make eye contact with Jason, walking out of the bush.

Daniel grabbed my hand and put my behind him.

"I can't believe you, Literally such a fuckboy... I knew you had feelings for her" Ashley walks out of the car that's parked behind us. We didn't even notice that. "That's why you didn't wanna get back with me" She folds her arms at Daniel.

"No i didn't want to get back with you because you're fucking crazy..." He unlocks the car.

"Sidney i still love you" Jason goes to reach for me again but Daniel pushes him away.

"Daniel, just leave it" grab daniels hand and pulls him towards me.

"Get in the car... I'll drive you home" He smiles and keeps his eyes on Jason while i'm walking to the passenger seat.

He gets in and locks the doors immediately, then starts the engine and drives the complete opposite direction from the neighborhood.

"Where are you going?" I buckle my seatbelt.

"To get some food, want anything?" He asks.

"No i'm good" I look in the mirror too see they were still following us. "They're still behind us"

"I'm aware of that" He steps on the gas a little harder.

He takes me to the restaurant that i work at and parks up. This is a public place and Jason's reputation is better then starting something.

"Well, you're gonna get something anyways, on me" He nods.

"I work here so i get a discount" I get out the car, Daniel too.

We walk in and take a seat and wait for a waitress to come over.

Daniel orders a Chicken salad and I order a small pasta. "I've actually never been inside here... were definitely the most under dressed here" He looks around at everyone.

His eyes meet someone's and his eyes just go wide and look down "Who is it" I ask.

"Mr.Marais" He grins his teeth. I didn't look behind just to indicate to daniel that i don't care he's here, even though i do.

"He's walking up" He clears his throat.

"Daniel Seavey and..." He looks at me "Sidney, fancy seeing you you here" He was with a girl. Slight curls in her hair, glasses and stunning.

That made me jealous. "Just a birthday dinner" That's so stupid. Why did i say that.

"Very nice, How'd your birthday go?" He cracks his knuckles.

"Just like every other day..." I say truthfully. Looking at the girl.

"Oh... These two are in my english class... This is my sister Esther. That just toned my jealousy down a bit. She looks at us both and smiles.

"Well... See you guys tomorrow for the trip" He laughs and walks off.

"That was so awkward... Why'd he come up and talk to us?" Daniel laughs, Shoving a piece of bread from the basket into his mouth.

"Haven't got a clue... are you going to the trip?"

It's overnight for 5 nights, we're coming back next week... We're going to see 3 different versions of the play we're reading in New York

"Yeah, But i'm not allowed to act up or they're sending me on the plane home" He rolls his eyes.

"Well atleast you're getting a plane home if you do... road trips aren't my things" Were getting a bus there and it honestly sucks.

"Sit beside me and i'll make sure there's enough food to last us the whole 20... something hours" He laughs. I reply with a smile and our food comes.

When we finish eating, he drives me home and the party was still going on. Sammy was drunk as fuck. I knew this would happen.

"Right everyone parties over... Head home" Daniel stands up on the table, shouting over the music.

Everyone ignored him, Then Anth turned the music off and switched the lights up. "Head home" Daniel shouts again.

They all do and Daniel helps take Sammy upstairs.

He had white power under his nose. Dick head.

"What the fuck Sammy" I push him onto the bed.

Daniel looks confused and stands in front of me.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Look at his nose" Mom and Dad made us promise from the age of 13 that we would never take drugs, and if that white powder is what i think it is. Me and him are gonna have problems.

Daniel walks over and wiped it from Sammy nose, sniffing it himself.

"I'm gonna stay the night is that okay?" He asks.

"Yeah.. but why?" I rub my lips together.

"Because if he's drank alcohol and did cocaine then he shouldn't be alone" He smiles. "I'll keep an eye on him"

Daniels took drugs and even sold them before, he stopped whenever my parents died. It's mainly just marijuana he smokes now, cigarettes on some occasions too.

I zoned out and daniel noticed that. "Come on" He grabs my hand and leads me out of Sammy's room and into my own.

"Haven't been here in a while" He jokes.

"Make sure he's okay" I hug daniel tightly. He hugs back and then leaves me.

I sat on my bed and was looking at my phone

are you and daniel a thing?

it's okay if you are.

esther thinks you're really pretty

if daniels your boyfriend i hope he's treating you right

excited for the trip tomorrow?

is daniel more than just a friend?

we're just friends lol, why so curious

because i want you

i decided to leave him on opened just because relationship drama isn't something i want right now.

but he wouldn't stop

sid i know ur receiving these

just text back

i want you, so what?

wanna go on a walk?


jonah i'm just tryna sleep... i haven't had a good night. goodnight

it's weird how he's like that. He hasn't been that clingy before.

I turn my phone off and next thing i know, it's a new day.


ooh t

i broke my foot ✌️

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now