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We're on our way to the beach now. I don't want to go. I'm sweating. But Corbyns right, I can't be sad forever...

"Do you reckon Mr. Caylen will be wearing trunks?" Corbyn asks, pulls into the parking lot. I hate this already.

"Well i hope not, No one wants to see that stomach" Ashley grins through her teeth and scrunches up her nose.

"What are you talking about? Mr. Caylen is sexy and we all deserve to see him shirtless" Jack opens his car door.

Sammy and I were in the back and looking out each window.

"This sucks" He sighs.

"Stop being so sad you two" Ashley opens the car door.

"It's so sweaty in here" Jack complains that he's sitting in the middle.

Sammy sighs and opens his door and steps out, Jack gets out through Sammy's door and i just sit "I'll watch you guys from here" I smile.

"Shut up" Ashley grabs me and pulls me out of the car.

"Ash that hurt" I look at the red mark her hands left from being wrapped so tight around me.

She rolls her eyes and Corbyn locks his car, Walking with me, "If you want we can ditch half way through, Buy pizza and watch them all from my nans roof" He points to the little beach side house.

I laugh and soon i'm emerged into the crowd, Everyone a junior or senior. I love partying but this just isn't it.

I walk out of the crowd and lean against the fence with a bottle of water in my hand.

"Miss... Sidney" Mr Frantzich nods at me.

I smile and just carry on looking at everyone. Sammy and I both have resting bitch faces. Mr. Frantzich just took notice off that.

"You look mad" He kneels beside me. I just look at him and then grab my phone from my pocket, Setting my water down and checking who texted me.

"Hey Mr. Fitz" A girl says in a very flirtatious way. Rebekah. Obviously.

She was twirling her hair and arching her back, Poor spine looks like it's about to break.

"Frantzich" He folds his arms.

Jason was texting to tell me to meet him at the stones.

Meet me @ the stones, Lets talk x


please, sid

really no.

My attention was on my phone that i didn't realise Mr. Frantzich walked away and Rebekah was there staring at me.

"Who wears yoga pants to a beach" She laughs, Flicking her hair and trying to make her thin lips look bigger. She's got a good body and everyone knows that but she arches her back way too much to make it try and look like her ass is bigger, She's dyed her hair blond so much that she's literally going to be bald by the age of thirty.

"Who flirts with a teacher" I roll my eyes.

"You have such an annoying face" She folds her arms and sets her face straight.

"Ouch" I place my hand on my chest "consider my feelings extremely hurt" I say sarcastically.

"Your brother doesn't think i'm ugly" She moves her tongue around her mouth, Licking her teeth.

"He's into snobby hoes" I slide my phone back into my hoodies pocket.

"Why don't you go for a swim and drown like your parents did" She sniggers. That hit my last nerve, Usually i can control when people say shit to me but that. That was way over the top.

I breathe slowly and just try to ignore her. Don't start a scene.

"Oops, Did i hit a soft spot. Like big brother Anthony hit that man" She pouts which made me flip and push her onto the floor.

Someone chants fight and then more people start chanting. She pushes me off her and rolls on top of me. I push her off me and kick her, She punches me and i end up on top of her and slapping her across the face before i get pulled off her.

"Miss. Carter and Miss. Dallas. What behavior is this" Mr. Caylen walks between us. I don't know who pulled me off her but whoever it was smelt very good.

"Poor mommy" Rebekah sticks her tongue out. I go to run to her again but muscular arms wrap around my body and pull be back.

"Fuck you" I spit out, Making Mr. Caylen gasp.

"Take her" Mr. Caylen says.

"Get off me" I say to whoever's arms are still wrapped around my waist. "Not allowed to until you're away from the crowd" Mr. Frantzich says.

I roll my eyes and he takes me a good distance away from the crowd. I push him away from me and just stand there looking out to the ocean.

"Are you okay?" He puts his hand on my shoulder. I move away and felt something run down my cheek.

"Sidney" He puts his hand on my shoulder firmly. I turn to look at him and he squints his face up. "That's gonna leave a bruise and scar" He reaches into his pocket and grabs a tissue. He wipes my cheek, ever so carefully.

He pulls the tissue away and it had blotches of red on so i assume it was blood and not a tear running down my cheek.

"I think you should go home" He clears his throat.

"Well no shit" I snap. He was taken a back and didn't know how to react. He just kind of stared into my eyes. His eyes are such a mesmerizing color of blue.

"What did she say" I hear Sammy run up. I look behind Mr. Frantzich and All of my friends were running up to us.

"I'm gonna kill that bitch" Ashley looks at me and then turns on her heels. Daniel pulled her away and kept his arms around her shoulders.

"I need to have a word with Miss Car-"

"Sidney" Does this teacher not understand.

"Sidney" He looks down, and back up at me. Everyone just stayed where they were.

"Privately" He turns to look at them all, his eyebrows knitting together.

They all walk literally 5 feet away and pretend they're not listening. "You were involved in a fight so i have to give you a detention" He looks around.

"Well done Einstein" I clap my hands together.

"My room tomorrow after school" He nods before walking away awkwardly.

"Cus we got so much tension" Corbyn sings a like from one of my favorite songs. I push him away and Sammy lifts my chin up and looks at my face.

"Uh i hate her" He clenches his fist and turns away.

"We all do little brother" Jack shakes his head.

Sammy raises an eyebrow at him "1, I'm older than you, 2, I'm taller than you" He smiles innocently

"What is this. Sid your brothers been hanging out with us for 3 hours and he's insulting me" Jack shakes his head and tuts. I laugh a little and we all head home.

Everyone heads their separate ways and I do my usual night routine and get into bed


cus we got so much tension u could cut it w a knifeeee

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