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———— spider
"Are you okay" Anthony asks me, Ive finally left my room. It's New Year's eve.

"Yeah" I sit on the couch. Sammy walks in from training with Jonah.

"Hey, I got you this" He hands me a drink from Starbucks.

"Thank you?" i question him. He smiles and sits beside me.

I set down two tickets to LA on the table. "They're gone now" I giggle a little. It's so stupid because i thought that Daniel actually cared.

"You don't need them, We can all go during Summer" Anthony winks. I smile and take a sip from the pink drink Sammy got me.

"Kians throwing a party right?" I take my phone out of my pocket.

"Yeah, Are you going?" Sammy starts wiping his face with a makeup wipe.

"Yeah, I just need to find an outfit. He texted me saying either i come or he's going to drag me there himself. Plus i kinda don't wanna be alone" I stand up, "Jenny's coming outfit shopping with me"

"Oh, Can i come?" Sammy asks.

"Sure, Get ready" I turn and walk back up the stairs. I just put something casual on and then walk downstairs. Sammy decided to take forever.

"See you two later" Anth winks. We head out and i drive to pick Jenny up.

"Hey baby" Jenny kisses Sammy on the cheek as she gets into the back seat.

"So we're going to the mall because there's sales on, but we need to hurry because they're going to close" Jenny says. I change my direction and start driving to the mall.

Soon enough we're there and in TJ Maxx

"This is cute" Sammy holds up the ugliest fucking dress ever. "no" Jenny and i say in sync.

"Okay then" He puts it back in the rail.

I find a cute dress and put it in my cart and then soon enough it's nearly full of mine, Jenny's and Sammy's stuff.

"I'll pay" I take my purse out of my bag.

"No you won't" Jenny takes her card out.

"Both of you, Shut the fuck up. I'm paying" Sammy grabs the cart and runs away to the cash register.

Jenny and I just look at each other and stand outside the shop.

"Daniels gonna be at the party" She shows me his snapchat story.

"I don't care" I do care.

"Yeah, Sorry" She clears her throat.

Sammy walks out with 4 bags and i take two off him.

They stopped to get something to eat but i just wasn't feeling it.

"Here" Sammy hands me one singular fry.

"Thanks" I eat it. He laughs and we head home. Jonah's black tesla was outside so we were all just kind of confused.

"I'll tell him to leave, You wait-"

"Sammy, I don't have a problem with Jonah" I get out of the car. They both follow after me and we walk in.

"Oh. Anthony looks up from the table. I thought you guys were gonna be longer, Sorry" He looks at Jonah. Jonah refuses to look at me.

"No, Youre okay. I'll be in my room" I walk up the stairs. Jenny and Sammy walk in with me and we get our things through the bags. Then they go into their room.

I was giving myself a little fashion show, Decided to be a bitch tonite and make Daniel see what he's missing. I had a tight dress on and found some heels then put my hair up. I looked hot.

Jonah's POV

Anthony invited me round because he needed help with some of the school things, And wanted to see Sammy's progress. I know he would still be friends with me but what i did was wrong and it's understandable why he's acting the way he is.

When Sidney walked in i just chose to ignore her. It's time to be getting over her. Although i heard about her break up with Daniel and it made me believe that i'd sort of have a chance.

"So basically all i need to do is just-" Anthony starts but was interrupted by Sidney screaming.

We both look at each other and run up the stairs. Sammy ran out of his bedroom. Anthony bust into her room and she was standing there a tight dress on her body staring into her bathroom.

"Anthony move it" She runs back, Trips over her heel and falls straight into my arms.

"Really Sidney" Anthony turns around disappointed. Then kind of just raises an eyebrow at why she's struggling to get up from my arms.

"Here" I put a little pressure on her waist to help her stay steady.

"Thank you" She grabs onto the side desk. "Did you move it" She asks Anthony.

"It's a spider" He looks back at it, Then takes a step back. Which made Sidney take a step back into me.

"I... I'm sorry" She turns to look at me.

"You're good" I smile softly.

"It's just like exploded into tiny little black dots" Anthony shivers.

"You mean it's gave birth?" Sammy steps forward. Then Sammy takes a look and screams. The whole time Sidney standing in front of me, gripping onto my arm.

"You steady" I put my arm around her waist. She nods and i look at it. Ew.

"Where's the vacuum?" I ask.

Sammy runs out of the room and comes back later with a little hand vacuum.

I take a step into the bathroom and vacuum them all up. Then empty the vacuum in the shower and wash it down.

"Well, Damn." Jenny laughs.

"Thank you, So much" Sidney finally breathes normally.

"No worries" I wash my hands. Anthony looks up and down at Sidney. "You should maybe change the heels"

"No shit" She sits on the edge of her bed. I smile and exit the room.

I go downstairs and Anthony was up there for a while. Sidney didn't jump when i touched her. That's really amazing.

End of POV

Anthony was asking me if i was uncomfortable with Jonah.

I'm not. I was only uncomfortable when Jonah and Daniel were in the same place together. Daniels not here and i'm not uncomfortable at all. I felt really safe whenever he held onto me and that scared me. Because i definitely shouldn't feel like that.

i'm sort of happy about it though...



i hate boys :)

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