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———— Christmas spirit
daniels POV

Sidney's been out of the hospital for a week now. She got her stitches taken out and everyone knows nothing.

Schools off today because the snow is really bad.

"We should go to the river and skate on it" She laughs. Putting my joggers on and tying the back off them with a scrunchie.

"We shouldn't do that, because it will break" I pull her down onto the bed. She laughs and starts making out with me.

It's Christmas next month. I'm getting her this necklace she's been eyeing for a while.

There was a knock on the door and Sammy walks in "My god, Stop" He laughs. She laughs and pulls away.

"We could've been having sex then... Always wait for an answer" She smiles, turning to look at him.

"The Frantzichs are coming around for dinner. Get ready" He nods and closes the door. She gets up and locks the door, closing her window.

"Yeah we're not going" She straddles me again and starts making out with me. Woah someone's really really happy.

"What's gotten into you" I say between kisses.

"Am i not allowed to kiss my boyfriend" She looks into my eyes but at my lips, placing her lips on mine again. I let her make out with me for a while but then pull away when she takes her shirt off.

"The rubbers are downstairs" I run my finger down her body. She smiles and bites her lip.

"Go and get them then"

"What's gotten into you, you're never like this" I look at her chest. She is a sight.

But then again, ever since she's been out of the hospital she's been acting like her old self.

"The Christmas spirit" She gets off me points to the door.

I roll my eyes playfully and unlock the door, i open the door and close it again, walking down the stairs.

"This is Daniel... Sidney's boyfriend" Anth says to an older man that resembles Jonah so much. "Where's Sid?" He asks.

"She is in the shower, Which one is hers?" I ask him, pointing to the cabinets.

"Third one... Tell her to hurry up" He nods. I nod back and Jonah walks in with the girl, Esther i'm pretty sure.

I grab the box of condoms and take one out and then put the box back in.

Sammy was standing behind me the whole time. "Stop being horny. and tell her to get down here" He looks at my hand.

"She wants oreos" I open the cabinet back up again and take the oreos out.

"I know you took the rubber" He narrows his eyes.

"Daniel, Help Jonah with the tree will you" Anth nods.

"Course" I set the oreos down on the side and go outside. Wow it's really heavy snow.

"Get the bottom and i'll get the top" He says, not making eye contact with me. I grab the bottom and we lift it up, Sammy joined in too. Then we put it in the living room.

I managed to escape Sammy and get back into Sids room, locking the door. She was fixing her hair in the mirror.

"They're here" I take my sweater off and throw the condom onto the bed. She smiles and rests her bottom lip between her teeth.

She walks over and starts kissing me again. I unclip her bra and she takes my shirt off.

I can't believe we're actually doing this now.

Jonah's POV

"Where'd Daniel go?" Sammy looks around "Sly motherfucker" He mumbles.

"What's he doing?" I laugh.

"Just knock on her door and tell them to hurry up will you" Anth says to me.

"Which ones hers?" I know which is hers.

"Second" Sammy points and brings the other box of Christmas decorations in.

I walk up the stairs and it came pretty obvious what they were doing.

I was contemplating whether i should knock on the door or just leave it. And then i knocked on the door.

"Yeah" He says, his breath panting.

"Anth wants you guys downstairs" I tried to sound not like me.

"Yeah we're coming down now" She says, Finishing with a laugh.

"Baby what" Daniel says.

I turn and walk down the stairs. "She said they're coming now" I smile at Anth and start untangling the Christmas lights.

Our house flooded because of the snow. Anths letting us stay with him. I wonder how Sidney will react to that.

Sidney walked down after 5 minutes with a massive smile on her face. "You guys did it, didn't you" Sammy whispers to her. She just laughs pushes him away.

"Ahh, Sidney. This is Timothy and Carrie, They babysitted you a lot" Anth introduces my parents to them.

"Hi" She smiles and shakes both their hands.

"Where's Daniel?" He asks, which made her laugh a little. "He's taking a quick shower."

"Svea, Esther, Jonah and Zeb... Sure you know them all" my dad points to us.

"2 of them yeah" She smiles at me. I smile back and Daniel walks down the stairs, his hair wet.

"Okay well, The Frantzichs house is covered in snow which caused some electrical defaults so they're staying with us for a while... and bought a Christmas tree so we can decorate it" Anth says, Daniel looks stunned.

"Svea and Esther will go in the spare room down here, Zeb and Jonah up next to yours, Sid and Carrie and Timothy will be in mine. I'll be with you" Anth laughs to Sammy.

Sammy rolls his eyes and Sidney brings Daniel over to the side. They start talking and i couldn't head what they were talking about but he seemed pissed.

"Excuse me you two, I'd like a little word" Sammy sets the star down and walks over to Daniel and Sid.

I was pretending to read instructions on how to put the batteries in the Christmas light.

"Your a horny bastard, Daniel" Sammy laughs a little.

"Other way round" Sidney let's out a chuckle and walks past me. She looks down and picks the batteries up. Placing them in the lights and turning them on.

"Now that wasn't too hard was it" She scrunched up her nose slightly

holy shit i think i just fell in love

"Someone's awfully cheerful" Anth laughs and checks her temperature with the back of his hand. "You feeling okay?"

"I'm happy" She smiles and slips off to the tree and starts decorating it with Esther.

"Well... Daniel what'd you do to the girl?" Anthony looks over at Daniel.

He laughs a little and nodded his head at me too.

Sorry are they both like high or something.




anywayssssssssss the boys going okay :)

however he was w another girl not too long ago and yeah that kinda pissed me off but he told me not to worry about her

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