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————mental breakdown
We just finished watching the second play. This one was better than the first but still boring.

Last night Daniel and I got in our first argument because Jack told him Jonah was proper staring at us in the bus.

Daniel proceeded to think something was going on between me and him but i assured him that nothing happened between us.

Jonah needs to stop, Sammy was skeptical about if i was telling the truth or not.

I cleared everything up and now everything is fine. Daniel straightened my hair this morning which was the most entertaining thing ever.

I recorded it and put it up on my instagram story. Ashley popped up typing shit again. I blocked her.

Today we're going to do some sight seeing and Mr. C thinks it'll be a good idea to take us to a pumpkin patch.

Can't wait for the artsy pictures that'll come out of this.

We're on our way to the pumpkin patch now. Daniels asleep. He sleeps a lot. It's honestly quite adorable. His little snores and he sometimes sleep talks.


"Does Daniel have a joint?" Zach turns around.

"He might do back at the hotel" I wouldn't know.

"You're changing him Sid... He always carried a joint or at least a cigarette on him" He winks jokingly.

It's a good thing he's not smoking as much anymore. The last thing i need is him catching lung cancer at 18.

The bus ride was long to the pumpkin patch, Daniel woke up as soon as we got there which was pretty convenient.

"Guess i'm gonna be your photographer again" He laughs. I smile and we get out, along with the rest of the class.

It's almost like a fair, a Halloween fair.

"3 hours, then we're heading out... We'll do sightseeing tomorrow" C lets us go.

The whole squad follow Daniel and I to the pumpkin patch.

"You know you guys can head off and do your own thing" Daniel laughs.

"These are the boys tho..." Jack gets Sammy in a headlock.

"Cries in woman" I joke. They laugh and we take a million pictures of each other. Jonah was watching us from the corner.

I could see him. It's getting really annoying. I want to have a good time without having to worry about my teacher staring me down.

"Get one of Daniel and I" I say loudly, passing my phone to Corbyn.

Daniel and i do a stupid pose for a picture.

If making Jonah jealous is the key for him just pretending him and i never had anything going on.

Then so be it.

"We look adorable" Daniel lifts me up over his shoulder.

"To the candy floss" I grab onto his back. He deadass starts walking with me over his shoulder, to the candy floss.

But puts me down "Sid why don't you go get us a map of the maze" He winks.

"Why?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Just some business with the boys" He wipes something off my cheek. I look over his shoulder at Jason and Harry playing hook a duck.

I told everyone everything last night. They're all going to react on it.

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