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It's kind of weird that i'm inviting my teacher over to my birthday. So i cancelled. He said that was okay and i just thought i should stay upstairs and catch up on the ton of homework that i've been given.

"Hey, Sammy wants you down here for cake at least" Anthony knocks on my broken door.

"Yeah... I'll pop down and stay for a couple minutes" I smile. He looks at the door and then grabs both sides, lifting it up. Completely pulling it off it's hinges.

"Anthony..." I question.

"I can fix it for you now" He leans it against my mirror and heads downstairs.

I carry on finishing the math question i'm on and started hearing the doorbell ring. Then music started playing loudly. So i guess the parties begun.

Anthony walks upstairs and starts fixing my door while i'm taking pictures off my plant for my photography class.

My teacher wanted something that people won't do but right now, The only thing in my sight is a fake plant.

"All done" Anthony closes the door. "Thank you" I smile.

He heads out, Closing the door and i get changed into some shorts and a cropped top.

The door sort of silenced the awful music Sammy was playing but i couldn't concentrate.

I decided to flop the homework and get changed into a tight dress, Then i got uncomfortable and changed into jeans and shirt, which i felt a lot more comfortable in.

I headed downstairs and everyone cheered when they saw me. I spotted Jason in the corner of the room, Smiling at his cup.

He's gonna be under the influence of alcohol and that's a really bad thing and not to mention, Anth said he wouldn't be here.

"Happy birthday" Daniel spins me around and kisses my forehead.

"Are you drunk?" I shout over the music.

"Just happy" He laughs and let's go of my hand. I smile and walk into the garden where the music was more quiet, however the stench of weed and cigarettes really made me question my decision on even coming down here.

I walk to the side of the house and just sit against the wall. It wasn't the same. Mom and Dad should've been here to celebrate it with us.

"Hello you" Daniels head pops around the corner

"Hey, Daniel" I smile

"Just to take the edge of a little" He hands me a pink cup.

"Why pink?" I question.

"indicates your single" He winks, "Although it wouldn't really make a difference if you're gonna hide out here the whole night" He laughs.

I seen he had a yellow cup "Why the yellow?" I know yellow was for taken people. I wonder if him and Ash are back on.

"Literally found it on the table. Don't worry. All single for you" He jokes. I gag at the joke and he nudged my shoulder and slides down the wall, In which i mirror him.

"Wanna talk about it?" He looks at me.

"Surely everyone's gotten sick of listening to my problems" I roll my eyes, Downing whatever the hell was in that cup.

"Surely you definitely need someone to talk to if you just took all of that down" He takes a sip of his and sets his cup to the side.

"It's not the same without them." I wipe my nose.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now