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————— Mr.Marais
It's monday today, I'm walking to school with Sammy. I didn't talk to anyone about what happened with Jason. I don't know how to talk to people without feeling annoying or that i do nothing but complain about my problems.

"Did he hurt you?" Sammy asks. Alexis obviously knows something happened but i refuse to talk to her. She told Sammy what Mr. Frantzich said to her and now he's pestering me. Hoping he has something to inform back to Alexis.

"No" I lie. My wrist is still red and I'm wearing a long sleeved blouse to try and cover it. I've been staring at my feet this whole time, I don't want to make eye contact with him- with anyone.

"Mr. Frantzich didn't seem it like that" He stops walking.

"Sammy can we just get to school" I sigh loudly, turning around to look at him. Only to see he was eyeing down Jason who was walking up to us.

"I'm leaving. Sammy come on" I grab his wrist and pull him with me into the coffee shop, Where Daniel met us.

"You look awful" He says honestly, Trust Daniel to be honest.

I do though, I didn't have concealer and Alexis skin is very pale, unlike mine. Or i would've used her concealer.

"I know" I sigh, downing his coffee, which was extremely hot.

"And apparently you want to die" Sammy snatches it off me and throws it into the trash can.

"Well, I need to order a new coffee" Daniel rolls his eyes and stands up.

"Sid let's talk" A hand grips onto my shoulder which made me fall face first into a customers breakfast.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"Bro do not fucking touch her" Sammy pushes, Which seemed to be Jason, Back onto a table.

I apologize to the customer and give him money to buy a new breakfast. Sammy was on top of Jason pinning him down and punching him in the face.

Oh my lord.

"Sammy, man" Daniel pulls Sammy off Jason and stands between them both. Jason walks off, Pushing past so many people and Sammy just laughs.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" I grab his jaw and look into his eyes and his nose which was bloody. It hasn't even been a month yet and there's this much drama.

"No one... no one lays hands on my sister and gets away with it" He clenches his jaw and walks out with Daniel. I pick up the fallen chairs and table and then walk into the school.

Corbyns still not in school. Zach and Jack are skyving and Ashley isn't speaking to me.

I walk up to my locker, Grab my stuff and head to Mr. Frantzichs classroom 15 minutes before the bell.

I walk into his room and just sit on my desk, Him sitting at his very, very confused.

"Sidney?" He raises an eyebrow and takes his pen from his mouth.

"Pretend i'm not here" I take my books out my bag and place them on my desk.

He gets up and walks over to me, Pulling a chair over and sitting beside me. "Is this about Jason?" He asks.

I look at him but ignore him and carry on tapping my pen off the desk.

"Sidney you can talk to me... And if you don't want me to inform Alexis, i won't" He puts his hand on his chest where his heart is "I promise"

I look at him and out the window. "I miss my mom and dad, That's all" I swallow my saliva. I shouldn't tell him about Jason, or Anthony, Or Ashley. Or anything that's putting me in this mood that i'm in.

I shouldn't tell him that i'm so stressed out about everything i haven't been eating and sleeping right.

I really shouldn't tell him anything to be honest.

"Is that all?" He asks "You really didn't have to come in today" He shuffles his chair a little closer and puts his hand on mine. Stopping me from tapping the pen.

"My photography teacher is forcing me" I look at his hand that he still hasn't removed off mine.

"Well your photography teacher can do one... If you need to throughout the day, Come in here and i'll write you a pink slip" He smiles and takes his hand off mine.

"Thank you, Mr. Frantzich" I look into his eyes. He smiles and laughs a little "It's Mr. Marais"

"Changing your name because no one can pronounce it properly or because it's too long and people call you Mr. F or Mr. Fitz" I smile.

"Both of them." He pushes the chair out and puts it back to the desk which is usually Corbyns.

"Well... Mr. Marais. I like your tie today, You should wear it more often" Wow i complimented a teacher. Something i haven't done my whole life.

I feel a connection with him, It's weird because it's nice having someone that can listen to you, And help you without judging. I like that about him.

"Thank you, And you can call me Jonah whenever the class isn't flooded with students" He turns around while Sammy and Daniel walk in.

"Who's Mr. Marais?" A girl follows after them, Looking up at the board.

He winks at me and walks to the front of the class, Soon most of the seats were filled up and he clears his throat.

"No more Mr. Fitz or Mr. F or Mr. Frantzich. You will all be calling me by my middle name now... Marais" He points to the board.

Jonah Marais. I wonder what the R stands for.

"What's your first name, Mr. Marais" One of the girls flirtatiously shouts. I unintentionally roll my eyes, Whats that supposed to mean.

"Not for you to find out." Well atleast i know he can trust me with that information. Still no one knows how old he is.

Ashley walks into the classroom, Actually wearing uniform for once. "Ashley, Nice to see you're joining us today, Take a seat." He points to the numerous free seats surrounding me.

She rolls her eyes waking up to me and takes the seat furthest away from me. Grabbing a bag of chips from her bag and munching on them.

"Sir are you single" A girl shout. I look at the girl. She didn't look familiar.

Brown hair and blue eyes with the most pink lips ever. Well she's definitely a sight to look at.

"My personal life is none of your business" He turns around, Smirking. I blush looking down. I told him that. He knows how to cheer me up, for sure.

"Now enough questions about me and let's get started on this semesters novel" He holds it up. I wasn't paying attention to the novel, But how he was standing.

He was slouched over a little bit not too much so that he looked drowsy. One hand in his pocket, the other holding up the novel.


this was short and a little boring but more drama coming up soon!

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