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————sneaking round
"So where are you going?" Anthony folds his arms across his chest.

"To Ashley's?" I reply, mirroring him.

"And you need a bag of your clothes for that?" He looks unimpressed.

"Yes... I'll be staying at hers tonight" I smile.

"Sidney, i think you're forgetting i was your age once" He sighs "Who is he?"

"He is a She and She is waiting for me, I'd tell you if there was someone involved" I tap his cheek.

"Right, home before 12 tomorrow because we need to talk" He steps out the way. I smile and walk out of the house and to the end of the lane. Where Jonah was waiting for me.

"Did he question?" He leans over and opens the door.

"Yeah, hey Ashley" I wink.

At school, Jonah and I pretend we don't know each other. Us sneaking around has been going on for three weeks now.

At 9 each night i go out to meet him. Honestly, i have never been happier.

I just can't wait to graduate so i can finally be open with him.

"Are you able to stay over?" He asks.

"Yes..." I throw my stuff into the back.

"Wanna get good first..." He asks, but then comes to the realisation that we cannot be seen out together in public. "Nevermind'

"We can order food" I cup his cheek in my hand. His eyes look into mine until a car horn beeps loudly, both sending him and I into a slight shock.

"You're fucking joking" Ashley shouts out her car window. Thank god it was only her, and not anyone else. Jonah sighs in somewhat relief but annoyance as Ashley starts walking up to the car window.

"You told Sammy you were at mine but in reality you're slumming it with Mr. Marais" She shouts through the window. I look at Jonah, who looked out the other window, pretending he didn't hear her.

I roll the window down and she had a massive smug smirk plastered across her face. "So... are y'all a thing or just fuck buddy's" Jonah was taken aback.

"Ashley we'll talk later okay" I give her a look implying that right now, isn't the best time for her to be her

"Okay well... the whole schools junior soccer team is just down the road so... be careful. And always wear protection" she gives me a wink before skipping off back into her car.

"What's your problem with her?" I ask Jonah, who's leaning over to roll the window back up. He decides to stay quiet which intrigued me to why he was acting the way he was.

"Jonah" I look back into his eyes.

"Sidney" He mimicked me.

"Why did you go all... quiet when you seen Ash" I guess the obvious answer would be that he doesn't want people knowing about us.

But that's not what came out of his mouth.

"She doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut and if you fall out again, god help the both of us Sidney." He starts his engine up. I guess he's right in where he's coming from. But Ashley would not do that to me.

I decided now to stay quiet. He drives the long way out of the estate, passing my house where a couple of cars were parked outside.

There was tension between Jonah and I, yet we both didn't know what caused the tension... or what the tension is about.

"Baby" He says softly. The pet names make my heart flutter. baby. princess. honey. sweetheart. love. sweetie.

"Mhm" i mumble, him then sending something was wrong. He looks at me for a split second, although this car is automatic, whenever i'm with him, he feels the need to always make sure i'll be safe.

"What's up" he asks casually, I go to open my mouth but don't. Because i don't know what's wrong.

"Baby, you know you can talk to me right" He places his hand softly onto my knee. Shivers travel through my body. His touch. Him. He makes me feel a way no one else has made me feel.

"Can we cuddle when we get to yours?" I ask shyly. A smile curls onto his lips. Of course we can. that was a stupid question.

He loves being able to just hold me close to him, in the silence or with the faint noise of the TV playing in the back.

"Of course we can, princess" He licks his lips slightly. Again, with the petnames, making me feel the way i did when his lips first touched mine. I didn't think it was possible for someone to have this much of a hold over me.

But life is full of surprises... right?

The car ride was silent, Sometimes we both just like sitting in the silence. I guess that's another thing that i really like about him. He's aware of how to deal with me and doesn't throw a tantrum about it.

We reach his house and he uses his garage, for once. It gave me the impression he wasn't planning to leave for the next couple days.

It's friday today, Which means we would both prefer if we spent the weekend together, however something always comes up with either me or him, preventing that from happening.

"Babe... you okay?" He turns in his seat, looking at me.

I don't know what's wrong, all i know is that i really want him to hold me right now.

And without a word said, I push myself up and place myself onto his lap. Him confused as we're still in his car.

I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders and let my head rest on his chest. He doesn't question, but wrap his arms around my waist.

Being held by him, it feels like everything is complete. However, every time i'm not with him, i'm snappy and low all the time. With him is when i know that i don't want to be with anybody else, and i hate that i didn't realise that sooner.

I guess i was always defending his name, because i have always liked him.

"What's wrong baby" He says quietly, moving a piece of hair so it's not dangling in front of my face.

"I don't know." I say truthfully.

"Just one of those moods?" He traces his finger around my arm, aware of my goosebumps.

"I guess so" I sigh. "I liked you while i was dating Daniel"

He kind of shifts in his seat a bit, I guess talking about Daniel isn't something he wants to hear.

"I liked you too" He starts tracing circles onto my hand.

"You know when i'm away from you... i feel off" I come clean. If we're going to be in a relationship, I need to stop keeping things to myself.

"Same" He agrees, although i don't quite think he understands what i actually mean. Before i tell him what i actually mean, it's essential i know myself what i mean.

And i don't.

"How about we go inside, it's much more comfortable then my car" He giggles. opening his door.

I step out with his assistance and wait for him to get his stuff, then we walk into his house, hand in hand.

"Jonah your... What the fuck" A high pitch female voice comes from his upstairs banister.

"Oh my god" Jonah mutters quietly as a beautiful girl with dyed brown hair and the most beaming brown eyes ever, walks down the stairs.



books over soon :)

the worst book i've ever wrote

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