1. Newfound Regions

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You huffed as you reached the peak of the tall hills north of Lantern Lake, just above Kakariko village. You'd just finished talking with Impa again, who told you the story of the champions fight again Calamity Ganon, and who instructed you to seek out the four Divine Beasts.

This whole situation was still just... wild. And bizarre. You wake up in some pool with no recollection of anything beforehand. The voice of some girl starts speaking to you and she somehow knows your name and you receive this tablet called the Sheikah Slate. After a few days of working alongside an old man on the Great Plateau and figuring out these shrine puzzles, the old man reveals himself to be the spirit of the dead King of Hyrule. Next thing you know you're traveling through the region, fending off Bokoblins and scavenging to stay alive. And now you're being told you're some hero? Some magnificent champion here to save the land, yet none of it makes sense to you.

You still don't remember anything.

That crestfallen look on Impa's face when you revealed to her that you had no memories of her was still at the back of your mind. You really had been gone for a century... but why had you been put to sleep? What led to all of this? Why hadn't you beaten Calamity Ganon before? If what the King and what Impa said was true you should have been prepared. Yet Ganon had still somehow overpowered you. He had overpowered all of you.

Pushing those thoughts from your head, you unclipped the Sheikah slate from your belt and checked your map. The nearest of the four points seemed to be north-east of Kakariko village. Looking up from the slate, you surveyed the land. You could see a vast wetland and besides that some mountains. None of it was charted on your slate though, you'd have to climb a tower for the map.

You found yourself wishing you had brought your horse along. You'd have to wade through all of that land, fighting who knows what. 'Well... no turning back now,' you mused in your head, strapping on some climbing gear you'd acquired in a shrine before spreading open your paraglider and flying over the grassy terrain.


After some trials and tribulation, specifically a rather nosy ice Wizzrobe, you had scaled the tower. Inputting the slate into the guidance stone, you watched the blue runes trickle down, before implanting new map data. Taking out the slate, you gave the map a good look over. 'Lanayru tower, huh? Lanayru wetlands to the south-west, Lanayru sea to the east, and... oh, Zora's Domain!' you thought excitedly to yourself. The glowing yellow point you were heading to was smack-dab in the middle of the Zora's Domain on the map.

You jumped a bit at the sound of a voice behind you. "Wow! I cannot believe it!" Spinning on your heel, you were a bit shocked to see someone on the tower. ' Guess I missed him on the way up.' Upon closer inspection though, you were surprised to see what he was. A tall... blue... fish-person?

He cleared his throat before speaking once more. "Excuse me! Yes, you! I am Gruve of the Zora!" 'So are all the Zora gonna be fish-people? Interesting,' "It is apparent that you are a traveler, but may I ask what brought you here?" he inquired.

"I could ask you the same thing," you replied with a smile, raising an eyebrow. You were extremely curious as to why he was up here on one of the Sheikah Towers. "Hm... how astute of you! An excellent query indeed!" 'Are all Zora also this excitable and happy in conversation?'

"I, by the order of Prince Sidon of Zora's Domain, am searching for a Hylian. Or I was... but then I fell asleep. I awoke to a loud noise and awful quaking, and now here I am. I'd like to get down and be on my way, but I'm simply to high up. I need to figure something out." he explained, and you nodded your head as you listened to the story. 'So he's been stuck up here since I've been up on the Great Plateau? Poor guy...'

"Prince Sidon is down at the bridge below, but for some reason I cannot seem to catch his attention!" he continued on, and you glanced over the side of the tower to see a bridge down below, shrouded in mist and rain. "We're probably too high up for him to hear you," you decided, turning to look back at Gruve.

"Yes, you may be right... but you! You are a Hylian, yes?!" he exclaimed, grinning at you, and you quickly nodded your head to say yes, smiling at his excitable demeanor. "Well then! My luck is improving!" he said, and peered over the side of the tower so quickly you thought he was almost going to fall off. "Prince Sidon! I found one! I FOUND A HYLIAN!" he screamed, nearly blowing your ears out.

Leaning over, you squint your eyes to try and look down at the bridge. You could see a very, extremely faint red blob... but it was hard to make out if that was a person or not due to the rain.

"Hmm..." Gruve sighed, pulling his body away from the edge, "Prince Sidon doesn't seem to notice my struggle... Perhaps I should swallow my fear and jump into the river below. Then I could return to him! He must be worried sick..." he mumbled, mostly speaking to himself and not you.

You watched him for a few curious seconds, wanting to know if he'd go through with that plan or not. "No! Nope! Can't do it! I'm too high up. I'll likely meet the gods of the ever after before I ever see Prince Sidon again..." he muttered, before turning to face you with a sincere expression.

"Ms. Hylian, I must apologize..." he continued on, and you bristled a little at being called 'Ms. Hylian'. "It will be some time before I can get back to Prince Sidon. Please, you must leave me here and go on ahead."

You nodded and patted him on the shoulder. "I'm alright with that. Here, you want a Hyrule bass? I caught plenty, but it's not cooked, though," you offered, looking into the bag before pulling out the fish you had wrapped in a korok leaf. "Oh yes, please! Thank you so much, Ms....?" he exclaimed, taking the fish in his hands and looking down at you curiously.

"_____. My name's _____." you told him with a grin, before shutting your bag and strapping it over your shoulder. Stepping onto the ridge at the edge of the tower top, you watched his eyes grow wide as he watched you.

With a grin, you hopped off the edge and spread your paraglider open, enjoying the feel of the wind rushing past as you head for the glowing bridge below.

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