The Music Video

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Blake's POV:

When in the public eye, keeping certain things in your private life private is quite hard to do, especially when you have fans like us. Don't get me wrong, I love our fans so much, and I'm definitely grateful for everything they've done for us, but they're like detectives. Once you get involved in any sort of drama, the fans are on it, and find out more and more in a matter of hours or days. Sometimes it's quite annoying, like if you accidentally let something secret slip, and fans know the details in a matter of minutes, or simply, if rumours arise, and you get blamed for something that you most certainly didn't do. But in this moment of time, that isn't the problem.
My relationship is.

Truth is, me and Reece have been together, as in dating, for just over a month now. We made it official when we both forgave each other, for everything that happened between us, in Sheffield and London. But when I say we made it official, only George, Ben, Tanner, and Joe know that we're together. Not the fans, and not even our families. Reece had made the decision that he wanted us to come out to our families in person, rather than through the phone as we have been staying in a hotel in London, before we fly out to America for song writing and press in a few days.

But as for New Hope Club, me and the boys have just released the music video for our new song 'Love Again' last week, and fans have really been enjoying it, because c'mon, the finished product looked amazing. But there was only one thing that, well, wasn't so amazing. I was the one who was picked to have a love interest with a girl in the video. The director had told me that, "I looked the part", and that me and Bailee Madison actually looked like a cute couple, which definitely didn't go down well with Reece.

But of course it also wasn't that easy for me either. Being extremely gay, and having to look at a girl all lovey dovey, definitely made me feel awkward, but I guess I came up with a solution, to make things look real. As mean as it sounds, anytime the director would tell me and Bailee to move in closer, or to act like we were in love, I would picture Reece's face on hers, and imagine staring into his gorgeous, emerald, green eyes until we got the right shot. But as the day went on, it became easier to just look at the girl's face, as I imagined she was Reece, until the director said something that surprised us all.

"Every professional music video ends with proper love. So Blake, in the last shot I want you to pull Bailee back by the hand and kiss her, as it goes great with your lyrics". "Ugh, Who's lyric idea was that?!", Reece said loudly, as George stood just as surprised as we were. "Hey babe, remember it's only for show. You know I love you, and only you", I whispered to him as I slipped him a quick kiss before turning to walk up the hill. "Wait". I felt Reece's touch as he pulled me back. "Promise me you're not going to feel anything towards her afterwards?", He asked as he subtly intertwined our hands while looking into my eyes. "I promise", I smiled at him before I let go and continued my way up to Bailee.

"You ready to act?", The brunette girl smirked as she raised her eyebrows at me when I had walked up beside her. "Um, Yeah I guess", I replied, not liking the way she was staring at me. "Acting in scenes that you don't want to do can be quite hard, but this is easy, isn't it?", She winked, as she walked out in front of me when the director yelled action. "This is easy", I mocked her in my head as I threw on a fake smile, pulled her close to me and kissed her.

When I felt her lips on mine I froze. Bailee's felt different to Reece's, and kissing her was definitely not something I liked. But as I stood there frozen, She kept trying to kiss me, in an attempt to get me to kiss her back, until the director yelled cut. The moment I heard the word, I pulled away as fast as I could and wiped my mouth, as my eyes searched the bottom of the hill for my boyfriend.
"Where was Reece?".

The moment I couldn't see him, I turned and started my way down the hill. Bailee said something behind me but I didn't listen, Reece was the only thing on my mind at that moment. When I reached the bottom, I looked around the food tent, and in the caravan that we used in the video, but Reece still wasn't there. I hoped and prayed to myself that he wasn't upset, if it had looked like I was enjoying myself, because in reality, I really wasn't, and now all I wanted was him. I eventually decided to turn a corner on my right and found a small cave in the sand, which I looked into in hopes Reece would be in there, but as I walked towards it I heard someone else call my name.

"Great", I sighed to myself as I turned around to face the girl again. "I wanted to ask you something", She smirked as she came closer to me. I looked down at my feet, as I knew what it would look like if someone walked by. "Do you wan-", Bailee stopped mid sentence as I felt someone lift my chin up and kiss me. The moment I felt a pair of warm lips on mine, I knew it was Reece. "He's mine", he smiled at her as I wrapped my arms around him. Bailee stood in front of us with her mouth open. "Here let me help you with that", Reece said as he placed his hand under her chin and gently closed her mouth. I giggled into the crook of his neck at his sarcasm.

After a few moments Bailee spoke. "You two are dating?", She asked confused. "What?, You didn't actually think he was straight did you", Reece asked as he giggled. "Because this boy's definitely far from straight", He laughed as I playfully slapped him before pulling him out of the cave, Bailee following closely behind.

"There you two... I mean three are", George said confused as he looked between the three of us. "Um, I'll see you guys around", Bailee said as she gave me an embarrassed smile before walking back towards the crew. "What were you doing in there?", George asked curiously. "Bailee tried hitting on my man, so I kissed him to shut her up", Reece smirked as he swung our hands gently back and forth. "Wow, straight forward and to the point", George laughed. "You mean, gay forward and to the point", I giggled as Reece rolled his eyes. "Let's go get food, I'm starving".

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