Ever a good idea?

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Blake's POV:

•< Song: Let it go- James Bay >•

"Where are we going?".
"You'll see", I smiled as I reached out to take his hand. But as soon as I did, he pulled away before hesitantly walking ahead of me. I sighed as I caught up with him, realising that by him refusing to take my hand meant that he was going to stand his ground, and that apologising was going to be way harder than I thought it would be.

As we made our way along the emptying streets, we stayed a small distance away from each other as we walked in silence, with our hands brushing off each other's every so often, when one of us accidentally moved in too close. It felt as if there was a barrier between us, but I wouldn't dare try reason with him now, as I knew I had to bring him to the perfect spot first, where I knew I at least had a chance.

When the golden sun had nearly set, we finally reached the corner that filled me with nerves. But as soon as we walked around it, Reece froze as the soft pier lights twinkled in his eyes. "Before you get mad, please just listen to me", I pleaded nervously, as I watched him look over at a couple that were standing in the same spot that he had caught me in last night.
"Come on", I sighed as I gently pulled his wrist in the opposite direction, away from the pier and towards the water's edge.

"Just because I'm letting you talk Blake doesn't mean I'm going to listen and believe everything you say", Reece finally said, sitting down beside me as we watched the gently lapping of the sea in front of us. "Fine, but you at least need to understand that I'm sorry", I began as I turned to look at the side of his face.

"Being with Bailee behind your back was such a stupid thing to do, but she had me so wrapped around her finger that each time I met her, it was like she had me hypnotised, as I never once thought about how wrong of me to hurt you, until she left and I felt the guilt of what I had done, as I'd be back wanting you all over again. But even though I was so oblivious to her games, I still have no reason for hurting you in the way that I did".
As I spoke quietly, I watched as Reece kept his now tearful eyes, on the setting sun in the distance.

"I knew I was lying to you Reece but I was so confused and annoyed at myself that I didn't know what else there was to do. I was stuck in the middle of one real relationship and one fake one, and I stupidly kept going back to Bailee. But hearing what she said to you yesterday made her true colours shine. I was so foolish to believe what she used to tell me about you, and I made the worst mistake of ruining the one thing you and me loved so much. I'm so sorry", I said sadly as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"You hurt me Blake", He whispered, as if trying not to sound like he was crying. "You lied to me, broke your promises, used me, let me down again and again, and cheated on me behind my back and straight in front of my eyes". As he spoke, my heart broke at how he wasn't even able to look me in the eye. "When you got me to sleep with you the other night, I really thought that we were going to be able to go back to the way things used to be, but when you let me down again at the cafe, I realised that it was too good to be true".

"Bailee told me that she had a plan to take you from me Blake, but I knew I had nothing to say against her as she seemed to have everyone at her feet. But seeing you standing there kissing her last night did it for me. It felt as if you had picked my world up and then shattered it right in front of me again", He said as he tried to stop the sobs from taking over his voice. "But I still had hope in you Blake. I believed that you would eventually own up to it, which made me forgive you over and over again, as I stupidly let you hurt me each and every time. But now I know that I can't do that anymore, I can't keep forgiving you and then end up crying and regretting it again minutes later".

As he came to the end of his sentence, his voice was cut off by harsh sobs as he broke down in tears beside me. Seeing him so upset and hurt over my actions made my own eyes fill with tears, as the only thing I wanted to do was pull him in close to me, and tell him everything was going to be ok. But as I sat there beside him crying, I knew I couldn't cost telling him something that neither of us knew the answer to.

"Is this even a good idea?".
When Reece stopped sobbing, I looked over at him confused, as waterfalls of tears still silently rolled down his face. "Between Sheffield and now this, we've both hurt each other so much. We can't keep breaking up and getting back together again Blake, maybe this is a sign".
"A sign for what?", I asked worriedly, as I wiped away my own tears, hoping he wasn't going to say the words he said next.

"Were we ever a good idea?".

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