Just Friends

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Reece's POV:

Once we got back to the hotel after many more interviews, I flopped down on me and Blake's bed and covered my face with my hands. Even though it was now evening, I still couldn't stop thinking about that one interview today, when I nearly outed myself and Blake on camera. But that wasn't the only thing annoying me, it was also something the interviewer had said.

"You and Bailee look cute together and all the fans are saying it".
As soon as the interviewer had said it this morning, it stuck with me all day, and made me wonder if it was true, that the fans actually thought Blake and Bailee looked cute together. As I was thinking, I felt Blake jump down on the bed beside me. "Aw, is poor Reecey tired?", He asked as he took my hands off my face. "Yeah", I lied as I didn't want Blake to know how the interview had annoyed me. "Well I wish I could stay here and cuddle with you but we have to go for dinner, remember?". "Ugh", I sighed, completely forgetting about tonight.

Of course like always, me and George were ready way before Blake that evening, so as he changes his outfit for the third time, I sat down on our bed and decided to go on Instagram as my phone had basically blown up from notifications. But as I went through my tagged photos, all that was there were short clips from the interviews we had done today, including the one from this morning. As I scrolled through them, I tapped on one that only had me and Blake in the thumbnail.

"Can someone please tell me why Blake nudged Reece like he wanted him to stop talking about something?",
"Why did Reece get so overprotective of Blake when asked if he had a girlfriend?",
Why do I feel like Breece have a secret that they don't want us to know",
"So what I've gotten from this interview is that both Blake and Reece don't have girlfriends but are both dating someone?",
Does this mean that Breece is real?".

"Shit", I said to myself as I scrolled through the comments. "Shit what?", George and Blake asked in unison. "The fans are catching on", I said as I turned my phone towards them. "Is Breece real?". As George was reading the comments out loud, Blake flopped down beside me. "Joe is going to kill us", He said. "Not only that, the fans are questioning if we're together, again", he continued. "At least the fans aren't shipping you and Bailee though", I answered as I lay back down beside him. "Oh my god, get up", George whined as he handed me back my phone. "We have to go!", He said as he pulled both me and Blake up by our arms.

Once at the restaurant, me and Blake tried our best not to act or look like a couple, with George sitting beside me and Tanner, while Blake sat across from me with Ben on his right, and Joe on his left. "What would you like to order?", A girl said as she walked over to our table. But as she took our orders she didn't smile, that was, until she got to Blake. "And what can I get for this cutie?". I looked up from my menu when I heard those words to find the waitress flirting with Blake. She was twirling her finger in her hair as she eyed him up and down. I glared at her as she wrote down Blake's order, before winking and walking away.

"Reece", "Reece Bibby".
When I heard my name I stopped glaring at the girl who was walking away, and I turned my attention to Joe as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "No need to glare at the waitress Reece. When you're in public you're Blake's friend. If you two keep exposing yourselves I'm taking control, Do you hear me?". "But... I know", I sighed as I looked back down at my phone. But as soon as I looked down I felt someone kick me under the table. I looked up confused until I saw Blake staring at me. "I love you", He mouthed at me. "I love you too", I smiled back.

Once we were finished at the restaurant, the six of us made our way outside expecting two taxis to be waiting for us, but instead we only found one. "Where's our taxi then George?", I asked impatiently as we waved goodbye to Ben, Tanner, and Joe. "Ok, don't be mad, but I forgot to book one". "Of course you did", Blake laughed as the three of us walked over to a bench and sat down. "You're lucky it's summer and it's not cold", I said as Blake wrapped his arm around me.

"Yeah well it will be here in a minute", George answered me, before sighing as he turned around to find me and Blake cuddling. "I thought you two were supposed to be friends in public, not boyfriends", He frowned. "Well Joe isn't here is he?", Blake replied kissing the top of my head. "Ok then, suit yourself. But I'm not getting the blame if you two get caught", George said as he saw the taxi coming towards us. "We're not going to get caught", Blake replied confidently. "Well, Remember what happened last time when you didn't listen to my advice". I rolled my eyes at George's comment as we clambered into the car. Of course I remembered what happened last time, But that was before we were a couple. Didn't he know this was different?

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