Don't want to hurt you

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Blake's POV:

"All I want to do is sleep", I heard George say to Reece as we got out of the van at the hotel. "Thanks", I said to Tanner, as I quickly grabbed my guitar out of his hand and made my way quickly up to our room without the others, before heading up to the roof. I needed to be there before Reece, that is, if he showed up, so he knew I was serious when I had said that we needed to talk.

Once I had stepped out of the elevator, and walked through the glass doors, I smiled as the cool evening air, and sunset relaxed me. As I looked around at the view, I slowly walked over to the edge of the roof and leaned my arms on the wall, watching tiny figures moving about below. As I watched them, I thought to myself. I definitely wasn't sure if meeting Reece up here was a good idea, but I knew I needed to tell him about last night, it was only right to. Not being able to hold him or kiss him at all today hurt, but knowing that if I didn't sort out the mess I had made, that not being able to kiss Reece, or call him mine could become a forever thing.

But just as I was thinking about what I had done, I felt someone walk up beside me. "Thank you", I said quietly, once I had turned to find Reece next me. "What is it Blake?", He replied sadly, staring out into the distance as if he had no interest in me. "About last night...", I began before I noticed the way he looked. The sun setting around us reflected perfectly off his face, making his already perfect skin glow, and as he watched the clouds in the distance, the gentle breeze blew small strands of his soft, golden hair towards me.

"What about last night?", He eventually asked turning to look at me, his green eyes impatiently waiting for an answer. "Um, I need you to listen to me", I said nervously, not really sure where I was going with this. But as he stood waiting for me to continue, I looked at his usual happy face, to now find it the opposite. His green eyes weren't as bright as they usually were, and although he tried his best to hide his sadness, I noticed how broken he was, just by looking at his face.

Even though I had told myself that I was going to confess the truth, something in me changed my mind as I looked at him. I had broken Reece just like he had once broken me. I knew how he felt as he waited for an unknown answer, but even though he deserved the truth, I just couldn't bring myself to hurt him anymore then I already had.

"I only met Bailee because she needed to talk and she asked me not to tell anyone", I said, lying once again. "Nothing happened between us Reece, you know this whole thing is fake just to keep you and me a secret". As I lied through my teeth, I tried to push away the guilt and tell myself that this was the right decision, as this was, to me, the only way I couldn't possibly hurt Reece anymore then I already had.

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