Same old words

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Reece's POV:

"Morning boys", Ben said happily as he opened the room door to let us in. "Morning", Me and Blake replied in unison , as we walked over and sat down on the empty sofa in the room. "Where's George?", Joe asked as he watched Blake wrap his arm around me. "Coming from his own room", He replied as we heard the door open.

"Sorry I only got your text now, as I've been trying to message Blake since last night", George said as he looked at Blake with a raised eyebrow. "Anyways, why are we here Joe?", He continued as he walked over and sat down on one of the beds beside Tanner. Well I'm sure you've already seen the picture of you two all over Instagram", Joe said seriously as he looked straight over at me and Blake. "I don't know what you were doing there so late, but you were careless enough to be caught by your fans once again".

"Look Joe, we had better things to be thinking about last night, and neither of us knew people were still going to be there. But how can they tell it was us anyway? That could have been anyone". As Blake spoke up, he took my hand in his, and played with my rings. "Your fans are clever boys, and you both know how quick rumours go around. They knew it was you two because of the tweet".

"Bring me to Santa Monica and I'll love you forever<3".

The moment Joe read the tweet out loud, I quickly looked up at George to find him staring at a confused Blake beside me. "I didn't tweet that, so how does it have anything to do with-", "That's my tweet Blake, I tweeted it when we first got together", I said quietly before he could finish his sentence.

"I've told you both before that I've no problem with your relationship, in fact, I want you two to be happy together, but like I've already said, you can't keep carelessly exposing yourselves like this, and then not tell your fans anything. I know the fake girlfriend plan wasn't the fairest to you Reece, but it's either that or you two come out to them".

Listening to Joe tell me and Blake the exact same words, he told us before this whole situation happened, made me think back to when we were still in England, and our relationship was perfect the way it was before he went and ruined. I understood what he was trying to say though, but before I could tell him that we could sort it ourselves, Blake spoke up yet again.

"Joe neither of us are ready to come out yet, and the fake girlfriend thing is definitely not happening again. Me and Reece both agreed to come out to our families, when we get back to the UK instead of through the phone".
The moment I heard Blake's words, the phone conversation that I had with my mum came back into mind.
The phone conversation I had with her on the night Blake broke my heart.
And the very same conversation that she accidentally found out that I was gay.

"Can't you just believe in us for once? It's our relationship, we promise we can sort it ourselves, right Reece?", "Um.. yeah, we can sort it", I replied as Blake snapped me away from my thoughts. "Fine", Joe sighed, eventually giving in. "But if you two arise unwanted rumours once more, then don't come running back to me to sort it", He continued as he pointed at us both.

"Great well thanks for that then, but we've a day off so if you could excuse us", Blake then said sarcastically, as he kissed my forehead and pulled me quickly back towards the door. "But what does any of that have to do with me?", I heard George say behind me, clearly offended. "Oh yes, there was one other thing I needed to tell you lot", Joe said as soon as Blake put his hand on the door handle.

"We're going for a meal tonight at 7".
"Oh, dinner?", George said, as his face lit up at the mention of food. "Ok, see you then", Blake replied quickly, as I giggled at how he purposely wasn't listening. "Yes George, we've been asked to dinner by Sam". As soon as Joe said Sam, the evil girl with brown hair came straight into mind, as I looked over at George.

"Sam? As in Bailee's manger?".
When Blake realised who Joe was on about, he tightened his grip on my hand as I watched his face turn to confusion. "Yes, and I told them that we'd gladly go as Bailee has been such a help in keeping you two a secret".

"Bailee has been such a help in keeping you two a secret".
"Yeah right as if making my boyfriend cheat on me was hiding our relationship", I thought to myself as I gently rubbed my thumb up and down Blake's hand.
"Well then me and Reece aren't going".
"Blake you can't not go. It's our last night in America, so the least you can both do is meet her at dinner".

Once Joe finished contradicting Blake, I quickly pulled him out of the room behind me before he could say anything else. But as I went to shut the door, I looked at Joe and said,
"And the least she could do is stay away from my man".

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