You know you love me

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Blake's POV:

•< Song: Delicate- Taylor Swift >•

The moment I walked out of our room I shoved my hands into my pockets and made my way up to the roof to meet Joe. Me and Reece were just getting our relationship back on the right track and here he was taking me away from him, ruining it once again. I knew it wasn't exactly his fault that I had cheated and hurt Reece, but I never would have fallen in love with Bailee if it wasn't for his stupid idea to put us together in the first place.

"Well Richardson", I heard Joe say as I made my way through the glass doors and found him sitting with none other then Bailee. "Hey Blake", She smirked as I walked over annoyed that Joe hadn't told me that she would be here. "What do you want Joe?", I asked as I sat down on the bench beside her, but completely ignoring her presence.

"I needed to tell you both that because I had gotten you two to hang out so much, it has distanced a relationship that I take full blame for". As Joe told us that he has taken the blame for ruining a certain relationship, I knew the minute he said it that it was about me and Reece. "It definitely wasn't in my plan to ruin the real relationship, and now I feel it's only right to let them have it back", He said to me as I showed him a small smile in appreciation.

I began to realise as he spoke how guilty he must have felt when he somehow found out about me and Reece breaking up, but as much as I was happy with his apology, I couldn't help but feel as if I was the real one to blame in this situation, as I was the one who ruined the one thing that me and Reece held so dearly to each other.

But as I thought about how it also was my fault, I was snapped away from my thoughts by something else Joe said. "But as for you two, I don't want you hanging out anytime soon until full love and happiness is back in Blake's relationship". "What?", I said as I furrowed my eyebrows in surprise, before I looked over at Bailee, who had the most annoyed expression on her face. I knew I needed to get my relationship back with Reece, but I just couldn't help but feel slightly hurt that Joe was now going to keep me away from Bailee.
Didn't he trust me anymore?

"But that's not fair! You can't just distance us from each other to help him sort his relationship with someone he doesn't even-", "Bailee!", I whisper yelled quickly before she could finish her sentence. "It's fine Joe", I then said as I glared at her annoyed, not wanting her to ruin things anymore than I already had. Joe telling us not be together was one thing, but I was not having her tell him that I didn't love Reece, as that alone was the worst thing she could have said.

"Well if that's that then I guess I'll let you go", He replied awkwardly as I heard Bailee mutter something under her breath. "I hope I didn't take you away from anything important", He laughed as he got up. "Cuddling with Reece", I sighed as I kept my eyes on Bailee to make sure she heard. "Right then get back to that, I hope things work out", He winked at me before walking away leaving the two of us alone on the roof.

"Cuddling with Reece?".
When Joe's figure had disappeared from the roof, I rolled my eyes at Bailee's question. "Well he is my boyfriend Bailee", I answered her as I kept my gaze on the view around us. "But you two broke up, remember? I thought me and you had something", She said gently as I felt her take my hand in hers. "We were Bailee, but that was so wrong of me. I can't keep hiding things from Reece, I need him back in my life", I answered her sadly as I hesitantly took my hand away.

Of course I felt bad for suddenly ending whatever it was that we had going on these past few days, but I knew that it wasn't going to help me get the person I really loved back. I had somehow promised Reece that I wasn't going to see Bailee anymore, and even if it hurt us both to let go, I knew that it was the right decision to make. But as I took my hand away from hers, She quickly grabbed my face and harshly turned me to look at her.

"Remember all the fun we had together when Reece wasn't around, you were so free without having to hide your affection. Reece cheated on you first Blake, and he doesn't like how you've moved on. Why be with someone you can't publicly love?". When Bailee stopped talking, I sat there speechless as I looked into her eyes. I couldn't tell if what she had said was true or not, but as much as I wanted Reece back, I couldn't say no to Bailee as she had me back in love with her just by her simple touch. "But it's so wrong", "And it feels so good, right?", She asked me quickly as soon as I opened my mouth.

"You know you love me Blake".
When I heard her say those words I smiled unintentionally. "You've a day off tomorrow how about we go somewhere, No one has to know", She said before leaning in and kissing me. And as soon as she did, I smirked. I hated yet loved how she always had me wrapped around her finger, and how she could make me forget about Reece and make me want her in a matter of seconds, with the simplest of things that she does.

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