Just remember

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Blake's POV:

•<Eternal- Roadtrip>•

Waking up the next morning cuddling a pillow instead of Reece, broke my heart as the memories from last night came back into mind. I couldn't stop thinking about the video Reece posted, and how I knew it was aimed at me. I remember watching it sobbing, as his hoarse, tearful voice sang along with his saddened, tear stained face. I remember watching it and somewhat feeling like I knew what he meant by the words he sang, but I hoped that the only single sentence that stuck by me was also him singing the truth.

"Cause I want you anyway".

Once I heard George moving about the room, I was snapped away from my thoughts and decided to go on Reece's Instagram, curious as to what people would think of his video and if they would notice that he was crying, which honestly, was hard to miss.

"Why does he look like he's crying?",
"Is he singing this for someone?",
"Does this have something to do with Blake?".

"Don't overthink about his video, I'm sure there's a reason why he chose to post it", George suddenly said as if he could read my mind as he opened the curtains. "Um yeah, I suppose you're right", I answered him quietly as I saw yet another comment that asked about me. "But how do I get him to talk to me, so I can apologise", I asked awkwardly, not really knowing how to fix the mess I've made.

"Do the one he's wanted you to do since we've arrived".
"Apologise?", I asked him, as I put down my phone and picked up my clothes Reece had worn yesterday. "No Blake, bring him to the one place he's been wanting to go to with you", He replied as the answer clicked in my mind. "Santa Monica", I said sadly as the memories of when I saw his heartbroken face behind me, flooded my mind once again.

"But I've ruined it for him", I mumbled as George headed towards the bathroom to change. "If you bring him and apologise, he'll remember it for the night that you two fell back in love, and not for how you hurt him. He still loves you so much Blake, just remember that", He replied with a sad smile because walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

"He still loves you so much Blake, just remember that".
As George's words played in my mind, I threw on my striped top that now had Reece's scent all over it, which made me long for him to be back in my arms once again. But as I picked up, and put on the same pair of blue jeans I gave him yesterday, I spotted two small pieces of paper with writing on them, that seemed to have been ripped in half, lying on the floor.

But as I picked them up, and saw my handwriting, I quickly turned them over to find my face on one half, and Reece's on the other. My heart broke as I stood there staring at what used to be, my favourite picture of me and Reece now ripped in half in my hands. "How could he?", I asked myself out loud, as I heard George walk out of them bathroom.

"If you really think he'd do that to you, then I'd seriously rethink fixing your relationship with him, if the girl who really ruined it all didn't even cross your mind once".

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