The Phone Call

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Blake's POV:

Instead of waking up the next morning to Reece playing with my hair, I woke up to shouting. "I told you that would happen! But you didn't listen to me again!". "Oh my God George! Just shut up for a minute will you?!". I groaned at the yelling, as I turned to Reece's side of the bed and opened one eye. He was currently sitting up, while George was standing in front of him waving his phone around, as they both yelled at each other.

"Can you stop shouting it's like 10am", I said hoarsely as I sat up and fixed my hair. "Joe isn't here is he?", George snapped at me. "And?", I asked slightly confused. "We're not going to get caught", He then said sarcastically, as I realised he was mocking me from last night. But just as I was going to ask why, Reece shoved his phone in front of my face.

"The only confirmation we need before the boys head to America! BREECE is real!".
As I read the caption I furrowed my eyebrows in more confusion, before I looked up and saw the picture. Someone had obviously seen us last night, while we were waiting for our taxi, and had taken a photo of me and Reece cuddling on the bench. I looked at the photo for a few moments longer before turning to Reece and asking,
"What do we do?".

"Last day of press, America tomorrow!", Ben said excitedly as the three of us got into the van. But just as I had sat down beside Reece, Joe turned around and spoke. "I told you two if you exposed yourselves once more that I'd be taking control", He said quietly but sternly to both of us. "I understand that neither of you are ready to come out yet, but I don't think either of you realise, how wrong it is that you're carelessly showing each other affection while not telling your fans anything. You need to talk to each other about the consequences of how your relationship could affect the band if you come out, or if you two break up. Look, I'm totally fine with you two dating if you're sure it's definitely what you want, but until you're ready to come out, I'm now taking control of keeping you on the down low".

"Maybe he's right, Me and Reece had been careless with our relationship. But what was he going to do to keep us a secret? He wouldn't possibly separate us, would he?", I thought to myself once he had turned back around, but I was soon snapped away of my thoughts when Reece intertwined our hands, and kissed mine as he gave me a reassuring smile. But as I smiled back at him, part of me began to wonder if maybe Joe was right.

As we pulled up outside the building where our interviews would be, Me and Reece prepared to distance ourselves from each other. Although we both knew it was the only way to keep our relationship a secret, all I really wanted to do was pull him close to me and cuddle him, and from Reece's saddened expression I guessed he felt the same.

From the moment we got out of the van, to the top of the building, George walked between us to make sure we didn't start holding hands without noticing, and sat between us throughout each interview. Not going to lie, it felt quite weird with me not sitting in the middle. I'd usually be able to just turn to Reece when I wanted to and look into his gorgeous green eyes, but now I had to purposely look around George just to see his face.

But besides the fact that I wasn't sitting next to the love of my life, The interviews went ok, I guess. We got through each one without stumbling into the topic of love, and we managed to answer questions about the music video without stuttering, or lying. But as we got into the swing of focusing on the questions about our music, Joe's phone call caught my attention. "Hello? Ms.Madison's manager?", He said quietly into his phone as he walked out of the door, but held it slightly open with his hand. "Ms.Madison? As in Bailee Madison?", I thought to myself as I kept my eyes on the interviewer, while focusing on Joe's conversation.

"Yes We'll get there around 11am Los Angeles time tomorrow...only if she's willing can't know...girlfriend...I'll tell them tomorrow that she-".
"Ugh, What George?!", I said loudly, quite annoyed at the fact that I missed Joe's last sentence. But as I went to jokingly slap him, I turned to find the interviewer looking at me in surprise. "Oh, Sorry", I apologised, when I had realised we were still answering her questions as I felt my face turn red. "I was in a world of my own there", I awkwardly laughed as I noticed the others also had faces of confusion. "Anyways", She then said, breaking the now awkward silence. "Blake what's your favourite thing about tour?", "Um, just the fact that I get to do it all with these two I guess", I answered her as I watched Joe walk back in out of the corner of my eye.

And as the interviewer went on to ask George to same question, I thought to myself, "Why was Joe on the phone to Bailee's manager? And what he wasn't going to tell us until tomorrow?". I needed to know why he had mentioned my name, and girlfriend in the same sentence and if it had something got to do with him taking control of me and Reece.

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