Ignore me

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Blake's POV:

•< Song: Nice to meet ya- Niall Horan >•

"Tonight isn't about Reece, it's about you and me".
As Bailee stood in front of me, with her face just inches from my own, I felt her breath on my face as I leaned in closer and closer, suddenly wanting to kiss her. But just as I was about to close the gap between us, she put her finger on my lips and winked, before walking on, leaving me standing behind, mesmerised by her words and actions.

Once I had caught up with her again, and we were walking back towards the now empty pier edge, I felt my phone in my pocket vibrate.

Georgey porgey: Why did y-

But as I took it out and began to read the notification, Bailee snatched it quickly from my hand. "Reece doesn't matter right now", She said uninterested in my blonde boyfriend. Usually, I would have taken my phone back and replied to whatever George had said, but in this moment of time all I really wanted was Bailee, and Reece's name didn't even cross my mind once. "You're right", I smiled at her as I took my phone, switched it off and shoved it back in my pocket.

"You've finally realised what you really want huh?", She smirked as she snaked her arms around my neck. And as I locked eyes with her once again, I said words so naturally that I never thought I would, "Reece doesn't matter now, and won't ever matter as much as you", I said as I put my forehead on hers. "I only want you", I whispered before I smashed my lips on hers and smiled, feeling as if I had missed her lips on mine, even though I had only kissed her once before.

"I love you", Bailee whispered once we pulled away but still keeping each other close. "I love you too", I replied, thinking this was what I wanted. "Promise me?". Hearing her ask me those words again, I remembered back to when I had told her that was only something between me and Reece, the boy who didn't matter to me at this moment in time. "I promise", I smiled as I kissed her once more, before pulling her close to me again as we made our way slowly and happily back to the hotel.

Once we arrived back, and had made our way up to Bailee's room, I stood outside her door with a frown on my face. "I know", She sighed as she pouted her face and put her hand on my cheek. "But this is our secret, we can't let anyone know ok?", She smiled as she looked into my eyes. "How about I see you tomorrow night then", I begged, not wanting to leave her. "Blake", She laughed as she took off my shirt that I had gave her. "Meet me up on the roof tomorrow night, Same time", I answered not giving her a chance to say no. "Fine, I guess if I have to", She giggled as she threw my shirt into my hands. "Keep it", I said as I threw it back. "You look cute in it", I winked before turning around and, making my way back down to me and the boys room.

As I put my keycard into our door and opened it, the only sounds in the room were my footsteps as I slowly made my way over to mine and Reece's bed. After my night with Bailee, I felt as if we could be something together as I thought I had genuinely fallen in love with her, but as I walked into my room and I saw my boyfriend lying on our bed, I immediately felt the guilt of what I had done, and realised that I had to stop what I was getting into with Bailee if I didn't want to lose Reece. Because here I was now, just wanting to cuddle with what I was proud to call mine, after lying straight to his face and breaking all my promises in one night. "Reece won't know", Bailee's words played in my head as I made myself believe that tonight was a once off, and no one needed to know what we did.

"Hey baby", I said softly as I changed out of my clothes. But I got no answer. "Reece babe", I said again as I walked over to his side of the bed wondering if he was asleep. But as soon as he saw me coming towards him, he put his gaze back to his phone and turned the opposite way. I stood there for a moment confused, and looked at George to see if he had noticed, but he also had his eyes glued to his phone. "Ok then", I mumbled to myself as I decided to just get into bed and spoon him anyways.

But as soon as I got into the bed, Reece turned his back to me once again. "Reecey, come on cuddle", I pleaded, wanting the comfortable feeling of my actual boyfriend back in my arms. But as I put my arm around him, he shook it off, pulled the duvet up further and switched off his light. It hurt, seeing him ignoring me for something I couldn't place my finger on. He hardly knew about me and Bailee, could he? No, nobody had said anything and my lie was too perfect to be able to tell the truth.

As I thought to myself, I caught a light in the corner of my eye, so I looked over Reece to George glaring back at me in the dim light of our phones. "What's wrong with Reece?", I mouthed as I also held my phone up to my face so he could see me. But George didn't reply, he simply shook his head and turned off his phone, before turning away from me, just like Reece. After a few moments of silence, I figured I wasn't going to get anything else from either of them, so I put my phone on the bedside table and decided to go to sleep. But before I did, I whispered to Reece as I knew he was still awake on his phone.

"I love you, and only you Reece,
I promise".

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