How do you know?

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Reece's POV:

As Blake opened the door and pulled me in behind me, the memories of sitting with George crying over Blake cheating on me came back into mind. And as he took me over to the double bed that we used to share, I watched as George had his mouth open, and his eyebrows furrowed, in clear confusion as to why I was back in the room, but more importantly as to why I was now holding Blake's hand.
"Hey G", I smiled awkwardly as I kicked off my shoes and walked around to what used to be my side of the bed.

"Um hey", He replied quietly as I noticed a pillow that was lying lengthways underneath the covers. I smiled sadly as I realised why it was there and that I had done the exact same thing last night too, wishing that the pillow I had cuddled was the boy who was now right beside me.

The moment Blake went to put his arms around me, his phone lit up with a message. "What is it now Joe", He said annoyed to himself as he took his arm away and picked up his phone. As he typed away for what seemed like ages, I fiddled with my rings not liking how awkward it now was around George, until he lifted my chin with his hand to look into his sad eyes. "Joe wants to talk to me about something", He said as I sighed.

"I'm sorry, I know I brought you here but I'll be back soon I prom- I promise", He stuttered as the room went quiet. "Go, I'll be here when you get back", I said ignoring his mistake, and trying my best to give him a convincing smile even though it was breaking me inside.

"Reece what the fuck?!".
As soon as the door clicked shut behind Blake, George turned to face me. "I told you it was wrong to forgive him. I don't want him hurting you anymore", He said softly, as he saw my saddened face. "But you don't know how hard it is to stay away from someone who you're so in love with, I needed him back George and he needed me", I sighed but still not disagreeing with what George had just said. "But how do you know he's thought about this?", He asked as I stayed quiet. "How do you know if he told you the truth, and that none of this was a lie?, How do you know he's not going to cheat on you again?, and How do you know that he's not telling Bailee the exact same thing that he's telling you?".

As I listened to George's unanswerable questions, I looked towards the door not wanting him to see the tears in my eyes. I knew I had made the wrong decision in forgiving Blake so soon, but I didn't think about what he was telling me and if it was the truth, as he had me so in love with him that I knew nothing else but him. "I don't know George", I whispered as my only answer, as I kept my eyes on the door hoping that Blake was indeed with Joe, and that he hadn't just straight up lied to me again.

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