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Reece's POV:

Since me and the boys were so jet lagged from travelling yesterday, we ended up sleeping in until 12pm until we heard a knock on the door. I opened one eye when I heard someone put a keycard in the door and walk in. "Morning boys. I know you're tired, but we have a productive day ahead of us in the studio". When I heard Joe say studio, I put my head back down on the pillow and sighed. I really wasn't in the mood for songwriting for a few reasons. One, because I didn't have any inspiration. Two, Because I knew Bailee was bound to be there. And three, Because I had a feeling that something happened when Blake was out with her last night.

Once we had gotten ready and we had arrived at the studio, we were walking up to the entrance, when I felt my phone ring in my pocket. "I'll be in in a minute Joe I just have to take this", I said as I handed Blake my guitar. "Promise me?", I asked him quietly once we were the only two outside. "I promise", He replied quietly, with an almost nervous smile, before disappearing inside the studio like the others.

"Reece hunny are you there?".
As I heard my mum's voice through the phone I was snapped out of my confused thoughts about how Blake didn't kiss or hug me when he said "I promise". "Um, yeah sorry mum, I was just daydreaming", I laughed awkwardly as I gave my attention back to her.

"Hey Reece".
I heard a girl say behind me once I had put my phone back in my pocket. "Oh hey Bailee", I said with a fake smile once I turned around to see who it was. "What are you doing out here? Aren't you supposed to be in there writing songs with the others?, She asked smartly as she folded her arms. "Well we literally just got here but I was on the phone", I answered her as I turned around and continued my way to the door.

"So who were you talking to then?", She asked nosily as she walked up beside me. "My mum, but I don't see why that's any of your business", I rolled my eyes as I noticed the same sweet perfume that I smelt off Blake last night. "Oh well. Let's go see Blakey then shall we?", She asked with a fake smile as I opened the door. "My boyfriend you mean", I answered her bluntly. "Really?", She giggled. "You might think differently soon enough". "What?", I said in confusion as she walked in ahead of me. "Blake's so naive Reece, He'll be mine in no time", She giggled before opening the studio door and heading straight for him.

"So what are you writing about today?". I heard her ask as I sat down and picked up my guitar. "How much I hate you", I whispered to George which made him giggle. "About being in love", Blake replied as he looked quickly between me and Bailee. Usually I would have smiled back to him, but instead I just rolled my eyes and strummed away roughly on my guitar. I couldn't stop thinking about what Bailee had said, and if she was joking or not. She clearly had a plan to take Blake from me, and both him and Joe were just too oblivious to see it.

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