Do you even love me?

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Reece's POV:

•< Song: Bored- Billie Eilish >•

"Nothing happened between us Reece, you know this whole thing is fake just to keep you and me a secret".
As Blake spoke I shook my head, not believing him one bit. "Just tell me the truth Blake", I asked as I blinked back tears, just wanting to hear him say he cheated on me once and for all. "I am telling you the truth, you're just not listening to me". As I began to walk away, I felt Blake gently grab my hand and pulled me back.

I don't believe you", I whispered as more tears stained my face. "Please Reece, you have to understand me", He said softly as we looked into each other's eyes. "I was only being there for Bailee, we're in this acting thing together and she trusted me". As I listened to him, a tear rolled down my cheek. Blake had hurt me when he had lied about meeting her, but was he just as oblivious as Joe was towards Bailee's plan to take him from me?

"I've promised you everyday since the music video that I only loved you. Even when you didn't ask, I still promised because you, are the only person I love", He whispered as he put his forehead on mine. "Having to see you be so close with Bailee is hard for me Blake", I tried to say as sobs forced themselves from my throat. "It's hard not being able to hug you, or kiss you when I want, and it breaks my heart that you spend more time with her and not me", I said honestly as I let the harsh sobs out. "I know baby, I know", He said hesitantly as he pulled me closer to him, and rested his chin on my head as I sobbed.

When the tears had stopped, and I had soaked Blake's shirt, he kept me close to him as he comforted me. Finally being able to tell him how I really felt about this whole fake girlfriend thing, felt as if a weight had been lifted off me. But just as I was about to give in and forgive him, he said something that confused me.

"I know you hate me spending more time with Bailee, but it's only right that I do".
"What do you mean it's only right that you do?", I asked, as I looked up at him. "You only have to be around each other in public, not every minute of everyday", I continued, wondering why he was now getting defensive of meeting up with Bailee. "Um, well it comes across more realistic if we do", He stuttered. "But I promise I'll bring you somewhere when I have time".
I furrowed my eyebrows in offence at his words.

"When you have time?", I asked now annoyed. "Well yeah, When Joe lets us have time together", Blake said as he looked into the distance instead of at me. "Joe gave us time last night but you clearly had better ideas", I said back smartly as I pulled away from him. "Baby nooo, I didn't mean it like that", He whined, wanting to win me over again. "If you didn't mean it like that then bring me to Santa Monica", I ordered as I folded my arms in front of him. "Yes of course I will, whenever you want", He laughed awkwardly as he ran his hand through his messy, brown hair.

When I answered him, his hand stopped in mid air as he raised his eyebrows. "Now?", He asked nervously. "If you love you me enough and didn't mean it like that then you'd bring me", I said, hoping he'd say yes, but as soon as he came over and hugged me, I knew it was a no.

"I love you more then anything, but we can't go tonight", He said as he came over and snaked his arms around me. "More like you don't love me as much as you love her", I said harshly, not even wanting to say her name. "Let me guess, you can't even go on a date with your own boyfriend, because you already have something planned with your now not so fake girlfriend", I continued as I pushed him away from me once again.
"Reece stop jumping to conclusions".
As I heard his voice, I could tell he was getting annoyed. "Then promise me you're not meeting her", I snapped at him, raising my voice as my eyes pricked with tears.

"I-", He began before he stopped himself. "Well? Are you not going to lie to me?", I shouted sarcastically through my tearful voice. "Baby please", He tried said gently as tears began to roll down his own face. "Don't baby me Blake! I know what you did, I'm not fucking stupid!", I shouted, not caring that he was crying.

"You promised me you wouldn't fall in love with her and you did. But the worst thing is, you promised me everyday that you only loved me while you told her the exact same thing behind my back". As I shouted, my voice was soon swallowed by sobs, as both of us stood in front of each other with streams of tears down our faces, fighting once again.

After a few moments of silence, as we both stood looking at how broken we both were, Blake tried to apologise before I cut him off. "Reece I lov-", "Don't Blake", I said hoarsely as he put his arms back down by his sides. "Save it for when you finally realise how much of a bitch she is", I yelled at him before turning away and slowly making my way back to our room, leaving my now ex boyfriend in a state on the roof.

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